
Friday, September 21, 2012

Mary's Mixed Bag -- Fences

Mary's Mixed Bag --  Fences

I was thinking about fences this week.  I walk my dogs in a few different areas and took particular note of fences.  I also wondered if the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.  What do you think?

Robert Frost said, "Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up."  Hmm, do you identify with that at all?  Do some of you have fences around your property?  Are they built to keep people or animals out or to keep people or animals in.

Then there is the Chinese proverb, which says "Everyone pushes a falling fence."  I can see that.  Sadly enough, I can!

Carl Sandburg said, "Love your neighbor as yourself, but don't take down the fence." I think that means something similar to Robert Frost's "Good fences make good neighbors," don't you?

Seal has said, "  I don't think we can sit on the fence anymore. We have to make up our minds. And if one wants to choose the path of darkness, then so be it, but be conscious of what it is you're doing. "

Okay, let's get to the point here.  I wonder if some of you have fences somewhere close to you.  If so it could be interesting if you took a photo of the  fence and shared it with us, whether or not it has a lot to do with the subject of your poem.  My fences (I took all the photos) are pretty average fences from my walk.  Yours can be too.

Use a 'fence' in your poem somehow.  Who does it hold in or keep out?  What is behind the fence?  Is something being hidden?  Who built it?  Why?   How do you feel about 'fence sitters'?  Are you fence sitter yourself?  Do you try to mend your fences? Are you successful?  Has someone tried to fence you in?  How do you feel about animals behind fences in a zoo?

I hope by now you have an idea on what to write  Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.  Post your link with Mr. Linky below.  Leave a comment too.  And please visit poems of others who have linked. And, most of all, enjoy.



  1. Good morning Mary, and Toads. I'm looking forward to writing for another Mixed Bag today. :-)

  2. PS--I tried to comment on Sayantini's, but it just wouldn't finish loading, so I gave up.

  3. How enticing this prompt is! You give us so much in your essay. I'll be back with a poem later.

  4. I enjoyed reading those who have shared so far and will return again later. Fireblossom, I was able to comment on Sayantini's poem. Look again.

  5. Ah. I did go back and it worked fine this time.

  6. This is a very topical subject, Mary. In South Africa, every property is walled or fenced, usually with razor wire to complete the look - to keep out home invaders and protect our property and our lives. In my case, it is also to keep in 4 dogs!

  7. Ah, Kerry, then I will definitely look forward to seeing what you write to the topic.

  8. Lordy! My whole life seems to revolve around fences and goats and the interaction between them!

  9. Now I can hear this song in my head,
    "Don't Fence Me In"....I think my Mom use to sing it~
    You gave us a lot of jumping off points! :D I'll be back~

  10. I really enjoyed this, Mary. Thanks for the great prompt!

  11. 'enticing' is the word!
    Just what I needed Mary, to get me out of the dumps.
    So enjoyable to see your fence walk.

  12. ooooh i wrote a poem about fences (illustrated, even!) a while ago that pleases me quite a bit. but the topic is large so i'll give it another try today!

  13. (just realized that my earlier poem was illustrated by one of Shanyn Silinski's photos, in case anyone is looking for inspiration!)

  14. We had an old, white-painted board fence surrounding most of our back yard, but when it began to fall down, we replaced it with a green chainlink fence, which is almost invisible at first glance.
    We had it built to enclose the entire back yard. There are three gates, with a spot designated "for the car gate" -- and then we got our dog Lindy.
    Fortuitous fencing, I call it.
    However, I can't begin to write a poem about it; nor can I access photos of our fences, old and new, because I am a 9-hour drive away from home, in a hotel room, nursing a horrible head cold while my husband meets with clients.
    A wonderful challenge, Mary, one which would have been right up my alley, were my brain available to participate.

  15. No physical fences in my life, just emotional ones. I'm not as far gone as my poem though! Thanks for the prompt Mary.

  16. Wow, whoa...I was so going to write something else and then this strange connection happened! Mine is freaky~
    I enjoyed the took me somewhere long ago! Thanks Mary :D

  17. I really have enjoyed reading the variety of poems. Also have loved the photos some have included of the fences in their lives! Keep 'em coming!

  18. I hesitated to post mine, as it isnt really poetry. But it IS about fences, and funny humans. I'm enjoying the various perspectives. Kay, hope you feel better soon. No fun being sick while traveling. But you can enjoy being bedridden with a clear conscience - we take our rest where we can find it!

  19. whoa, thanks a lot, Mary, THAT dredged up some old stuff! sigh. xo

  20. An inspiring prompt Mary. I included photos of my current fence or wall and a photo from my childhood

  21. What a terrific prompt, Mary! This one led me to write something uplifting and positive...yeah, surprised me too!

  22. I made it in before the bell!!! with a very rough poem brushed in a certain way because I am away from home in the land of my childhood visiting my parents for a few days. We're having a baby shower for what will be a great grandchild for them and a grand niece for me. Wow, time just keeps on flying by.

  23. thanks for the prompt Mary! It conjured something from me. viva la

  24. I love fences!!! Thank you for this prompt. I am busy at college with my children this weekend and I have back prompts to comment on. I WILL be by this weekend, just don't know when.

  25. Love the prompt Mary. I am a little late, but I made it here!

  26. Sitting on the beach as I write, no fences hem me in!

  27. Mary I think I am perhaps a bit late, but your prompt made of think of my "old fence" and wonder....

  28. Thank you, Mary...I apologize for my late arrival...will make rounds in a bit...hugs

  29. I'm running behind on visiting but I will get it done!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.