
Monday, February 6, 2012

Open Link Monday

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!”
Emily Dickinson

Welcome, one and all, to the place where real toads hang out on any given Monday.  Please share a poem of your choice with us, and visit the sites of the those who have posted alongside you to enjoy the best of Indie poetry available on the bog.


  1. Good appears I am the first toad to post.

  2. And I number 2. :)

    Thanks as always for hosting this! Here's my Off One's Game Limerick.

  3. I have linked an oldie, but one of my favorites....because I remember very fondly the boy it was written about. Happy Monday to my toadies.

  4. Something odd happened to the Jinksy and Caddoc Trellis links - can you remove Jinksy at number 5, please Kerry?

  5. Goodness me, Jinksy! I shall have to pay you fees for advertising if you do things like this again! :) Thank you!
    Goodness knows how you managed it...

  6. Cad- I've apologised on your post for my stupidity, and only hope Kerry wipes me off the number 5 spot soon!

    Now I'll go and try to get myself sorted...

  7. I usually don't share my wordle work here, but this time I'm making an exception. (And if you visit, you are also directed back a day where you can see my new pup. I did NOT resist temptation!)Have a good writing week, everyone.

  8. good morning, toads. late start today, ack. happy monday!

  9. That is one of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson. :)

  10. I have linked to a neglected oldie.

  11. Linked to an oldie as well - I wrote this poem after seeing a friend's pic and it inspired me - Sherani's her name ... can anyone see where I hid it in the poem? :)

  12. How wonderful to log on after work and see so many poems linked up already. It's a great way to start the week.

  13. Mary, unfortunately this link takes us back to Real Toads.. Perhaps you could link up again?

  14. I'm a few days late for St Brigid's Day, but remembered to put in a word for her today.

  15. I missed the photography prompt yesterday, but did write something for it, so I'm posting it today as hopefully an example of better late than never.;_)

  16. hey Mary! #8 links back to Real Toads!

  17. Four of my poems are in this month's "Dead Mule School of Southern Literature." I don't know how to link directly to just my work, so when you get to the site, click on poetry, scroll down to my Southern legitmacy statement, and click below it to get to my work. It's a quirky Southern site; I hope you enjoy it!

  18. "Life Is A Golf Course" is Snowflakes, which is one of the many aliases for Jingle. The "poem" is the usual random, misspelled gibberish.

  19. Fireblossom, you've made my day with the total honesty of your last comment! If only Blogland had a few more of them, it'd be a better place...

  20. Sigh, working too fast this morning! CORRECT link is up.

  21. Congrats to Mary Ann on her publication. "Poetry well spent" indeed!

  22. Jinksy, I can't wipe you nor is there reason to. It's all Real Toads prompts so no problem.

    Of course, Jingle may link here under any name she chooses, and people may choose whether or not to read her posts...Hmmm?

  23. Hi everyone, happy Monday - linking an old one this week...

  24. Sorry, Kerry, I made a linking error, so #31 is incorrect, and #32 is actually for Open Link Monday.

  25. Nice to be here again, with a new one I'd love to share.

  26. sorry i'm late ~ hope everyone's having a good week.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.