
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fireblossom Friday "Perchance To Dream"

"To sleep, perchance to dream..." --Hamlet

Inspired by my desperate desire to sleep for about twenty hours, a desire that will not see fruition any time soon, I bring you a challenge to write about--or from--a dream. 

You can write about someone having a dream, or experiencing a dream-like state. You can write based on something you dreamt yourself. But let me be clear, I am talking about night-time, sleeping-type dreams, not dreams as in dreams of world peace or suchlike. 

So draw the blinds, get out the opium, dial up your sleep number bed, and run naked down the street to your old school to take a test you haven't prepared for. No haiku, no reruns. 


  1. Amazingly, I had a dream last night...thanks for the challenge, Shay.

  2. All my dreams are nightmares... so it will not be a nice read... I will post something later.

  3. I often wake and write from this. Will return later to read & post....

  4. world peace dreams? Shucks. I shall return. Am attending a waking nightmare this morning, so writing about a dream later will be a nice contrast. I always love Fireblossom Friday!!!!

  5. What if I dreamed I wrote a haiku about world peace? ~runs~

  6. Apologies for my low profile of late. I have caught a vicious flu virus which has had me struggling to get through each day this week. I love this prompt, and hope I'm feeling well enough to attempt something this weekend.

  7. Oh, I love this! I went nightmare with it.

  8. Kerry, rest easy and I hope you are well soon. It sounds horrible. Rhymes With Bug, I can't figure out how or where to leave a comment on your site, but I did enjoy your poem.

  9. watching my daughter swim is dreamy

  10. Candy, next time I went to your blog, the comment form appeared. Yay! Must be my cataracts, LOL.

  11. All my dreams just flew out of my head, try as i might, i cant remember a dream right now, so i fantasized one

    much love...

  12. Hope you feel better soon, Kerry. The flu can be very exhausting.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.