
Thursday, August 24, 2017


I don't know about everyone else, but the end of summer is usually filled with lots of activity. We're either prepping for the school year ahead or trying to squeeze one more vacation or day trip before fall starts. So I'll keep this week's prompt simple and light. I'm basing it on a popular meme I've seen floating around the internet.

No, not the Willy Wonka one. The one where you grab a nearby book and flip to a specific page to find a quote that represents your love life. You have the choice of going to either page 13 and picking the 7th sentence or page 7 and picking out the 13th sentence to use as your inspiration for your poem. For bonus points, make it a love poem. As always, this should be a new poem created just for this prompt. And do be sure to visit your fellow poets.


  1. Loved the prompt, Rommy!!💘 Sharing my poem 'Of love and neutral tones' ..hope you like it. Happy Thursday, everyone!💘

  2. A most interesting prompt! Thank you. I did a haibun....Rice Planting. Hope you all enjoy Happy Thursday to all. It is hot as all get out down this way...bah!!!

  3. Thanks for playing along guys! I'm hoping for a quiet rest of my Thursday now that I'm done playing taxi for my kids today

  4. i love these kind of random prompts. thanks! (nothing is random)

  5. Sorry, Rommy. I didn't contribute, but I did read.

  6. I'm reading a book " The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady"... this should be interesting. Will see what I can come up with Friday morning. Thanks!

  7. I will try to do this later... it's always fun to find a nearby book. Mine might be depressing as I just started to read Timothy Snyder "the black earth"

  8. Now this is an interesting prompt. Cool.

  9. Hi Rommy! New here but loved this prompt, I've had a go at writing a poem to it. Look forward to reading others' :-)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.