
Sunday, September 11, 2011


The 10th Anniversary Tribute


  1. Many people will be paying tribute to day, each in his or her own way. I know poets like to put their thoughts into words, so I am offering this Open Link for any who would like to share their thoughts with us.

  2. Within the past few days I have written two 9/11 poems. I shared both, look forward to reading yours.

  3. My feeling is of profound sadness for the people who died that day and because I think of the things they never lived to see.


  4. I'm From South africa but remember vividly, how paralyzing that day left me feeling. My offering comes from a personal space, but I do believe all emoitions are universal.

  5. I too remember those apocalyptic images.but they are juxtaposed with images of countless terrorist attacks we Indians have been experiencing for the last 20 years and more.the horror never leaves and only last week their was a blast in New Delhi, preceded by an earlier blast in Mumbai.This poem is dedicated to all those who, like me, have lived through these torrid times, 'bomb by bomb'(Derek Mahon.

  6. People jumping to their deaths, yes Kerry, my most painful memory which you read well in the poem, it is about that, about the people falling fast and 'dreaming of wings' dreaming they could fly. Thanks for you adorable comment. <3

  7. i wish i had words for this.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.