
Monday, October 10, 2011

Calling All Toads

Open Link Monday

Greetings to all members and followers of imaginary garden with real toads.
I'm feeling the change of seasons, Spring to Summer in my part of the world, and friends in Northern climes must surely be enjoying the Fall.  This post is an open invitation to share any piece of writing, either as new as Spring leaves or old as Winter wind. If you have something which deals with the seasons or life changes, all the better, but this is not essential. 

The invitation is also open to readers, who are welcome to enjoy the creativity of the remarkable poets of the 'blogosphere'.


  1. Thank you, Kerry!

    Hope everyone has a great week.

  2. I just this moment posted the perfect poem for this theme. I'm glad I put Toads on my sidebar, so I saw this.

  3. this is not a poem (what!?). i hadn't written a story in way too long, and this one was a rough go at the start. it's a little long, but i'd very much appreciate any feedback.
    have a spectacular monday everyone!

  4. hello all1 Back after a brief's what i wrote in last two weeks...while I was away from internet!

  5. I've already submitted my only seasons poem to Real Toads but, Kerry, you captured me with (as) "old as Winter winds" so I feel I must try something.
    Getting back to you later, then —

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. Here's one I wrote yesterday for a prompt. It deals with "life changes" so I thought it may fit.

    I shall be back later to visit links and read. :-)

  7. This one sprang to mind. Love the prompt. It is Thanksgiving up here in the north.....Happy Monday, all.

  8. This one sprang to mind. Love the prompt. It is Thanksgiving up here in the north.....Happy Monday, all.

  9. The first is not about seasons as most people think about them so I decided to link another, very short, 'comment on seasons' poem... Thanks, Kerry!

  10. Fireblossom informed about this prompt, and I did post earlier an old old poem about the changes of life with some fall flavor, so thought I'd hook it up. Thanks Kerry.

  11. Thanks for the heads up... My post is up ~

  12. hello everyone! i'm a bit late, but i've posted a brand-new poem, not on topic, but on the topic of (what else?) love.
    i have many poems about the seasons, but i've linked here a clever little one i really like a lot. hee.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.