
Monday, January 9, 2012

Open Link Monday

Calling all toads to the garden...

Welcome one and all to another Open Link Monday on Real Toads, where we share a poem with those who gather here.  Link up your latest piece, or delve into your archives for a poem that should be given a second chance to shine.  Please visit the blogsites of a few of the other poets who have used this forum along with you and enjoy the vision and talent of on-line poetry.



  1. Linked up to an older poem. Have a great week everyone!

  2. I like that garden path. Someone lead me down it!

  3. Worked this with the great crit group at FEPC... what do you think of the final result?

  4. I went for the latest.

    Cheers to all you poets!

  5. Beautiful garden...I posted an older poem...this garden would be covered in snow! I am off to read the wonderful work posted.

  6. An older poem from me today but a favorite.

  7. another new one, before life takes over

  8. my poems are slow in coming lately. newest i have is a short fiction.
    and what an inspiring garden! did any of you watch mrs potter?

  9. i got nothin' today. boo hoo.
    i'll just go around and read, then.
    have a good week, everyone!

  10. As a nod of respect to Mr.Sim, for whom I harbor a deep personal affection as well as significant professional envy, an old one on the order of art for art's sake.

  11. Please stop by for a visit and leave me a link to your poetry, I'd love to read your work.

  12. My post is based on Sunday's challenge ~

    aka Heaven

  13. I'm enjoying this site very much; glad I followed the link over form Laurie's blog.

    My poem is from January 4. It didn't get much response from where I originally linked it, so I hope more people will see it here. :)

  14. Oops, forgot to link it to the other site; no wonder no one responded! *headpalm*

  15. i posted an older piece made new by me simply changing the order of the first stanza. Behold...i think it is streets ahead of it's old shell

  16. somehow my comment was there but not the link to my poem :(
    dont know what's hoping some of you will still come back to take a look at it.

  17. This is my belated poem for Shay's "You Animal" prompt last Friday, and it's sadly rather a belated addition to Monday too. Such is my limited time :)

  18. beautiful view., oww., i like it., :D

  19. Real Toads, please note that "Djawa" has not linked a poetry site to this Open Link. Please ignore his inclusion, as I am unable to remove it.

  20. I love Beatrix Potter! I have a number of books on her and her life. Recently I got from my treasured used book store a book showing letters she wrote to children and loved ones. Little doodles and drawings where liberally sketched on these pages. She was an amazing woman. I would LOVE to visit her beloved Hilltop Farm. Did you take this photo? Have you visited there?

  21. Kerry., i'm back again here., :D


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.