
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kenia's Wednesday Challenge

It's because sometimes I desperately need to talk to someone that I turned to poetry. Poetry is my voice. Sometimes I scream. Sometimes all I write is silent. Sometimes my poems cry. Sometimes they sing and dance, and twirl around in pure joy. Sometimes I talk to myself. Sometimes I write to imaginary people, sometimes they are real, other times they are ghosts, monsters, creatures under my bed. Sometimes poems are dialogues and I like them best then because they become land for friendship.


Write a poem that keeps a dialogue with another poem, or poet. We'd love it if you picked one from the Real Toads blog list here, but it's fine to choose a blog outside the circle. Choose a poem and converse with it (or the author). Answer a question, ask a question, start a discussion, explain a subject, offer help, ask for help - do whatever it takes to befriend the words and bring them close to your heart. When you're sure to have made a new friend, leave a link to your poem here.


  1. Poetry must be pleased with your words!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  2. I tried to leave an answer to a question... ♥

  3. I'm dense, I guess. I don't really understand the challenge. :-(

  4. This is an interesting one. As I understand it, we are to choose a poem written by someone else (another Toad perhaps) and engage with its theme or creative voice or author, and write this imagined dialogue in poetical form. It would be a good idea to provide a link to the inspiring poem/poet.

  5. Okay, so we pick either a poem or a poet and write a poem about that convo. Intriguing!

  6. I wish I had an example to really understand this one--but I will see what I can do.

  7. I love, love, love your paragraph describing your relationship with your poetry, Kenia. I can remember feeling that way myself, although I never put the feeling into words the way you've done here. You did it so well.

    As for the challenge, I'm not quite sure how I'm to go about it, but it sure sounds interesting.


  8. I have been a little bit cheeky... since I chose one of Kenia's poems for my response. I hope I have the right idea, because I could easily pay a few more friends a visit :)

  9. You so spoke my words about voice in joy and sorrow..angry lead screaming at affliction...I shall see what I can do for this challenge. :)

  10. Well, I probably missed the boat completely, Kenia, but I had a lot of fun planning the trip. ;_) I'll be back later to read and see what everyone else did with this.

  11. Well....hard one....not quite poetry, not quite prose....but I do feel it expresses my affinity for the author.

  12. Cloudia, that's very kind of you to say that. Thanks for stopping by.

    Jinksy, thanks for being the first and showing people how to do it. <3

    Fireblossom, I bet you do it all the time, it's just so simple it shouldn't be challenging. I fail to express things in English sometimes. Sorry. <3

    Ella, hoping to see your poem later. <3

    Kay, you're the sweetest thing, thanks for leaving such an adorable message. <3

    Kerry, I've posted my answer to 'The Sky Clears' but I'm preparing a response to your response right now. This one will go on Poesia Torta. <3 Thanks. You totally read me.

    Susie, looking forward to your response. :)

    Hedgewitch, it's simpler than it looks like. Sorry for making it look complicated.

    Herotomost, make sure to leave a link to the author your poems speaks to. ;)

    Thank you all guys, for participating. I have a response posted, and I'm on my way to finish a second one, to go in my main blog. <3

  13. How wonderful it has been to read these responses to a challenge that require a shift in viewpoint. I shall read your response on Poesia Torta tomorrow, as it's bed-time on my side of the world.

  14. Just adding to the Gruye love-fest.

  15. I chose Mama Zen's poem Flirtation. It isn't exactly the challenge, but once I read it I thought I would just be the dark side of her light take on the poem....sorry Mama Zen to sully your perfection... :)

  16. Well, I did this a little differently. I responded to a poem that I wrote a couple days ago. I thought at the time it deserved a 'response,' so I gave the other side a 'voice.' Hope this is okay. (I included both poems in my blog post.)

  17. I've managed to end up asking you all a question of my own!

  18. Definitely an interesting prompt! I chose Rallentanda's poem Who Want Endless Summer, had a lot of fun with it.

  19. So wish I could participate... but I promised my hubby to take a short blogger break as we are trying to get our house ready to put up for sale... I'll miss you and I'll be back in about a week - hopefully sooner.

  20. hey friends, hey Kenia, i love this challenge. i started to work on it last night but some hard stuff came up that i had to write about instead. i'm going to work on this challenge tonight, but meanwhile i'd so appreciate y'all stopping by to read my tough poem, i'm going to link to it in the chatroll. something about which i want never to have to write again. ever. xoxo marian

  21. hey, i finally did this! responding with love to a poem by Cosmos Cami. xoxo

  22. LOVE this idea. I.ll ruminate on some of my favorite pieces from other toads... conversations in the making...


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.