
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Out of Standard with Izy

Greetings Garden Dwellers.  Allow me to welcome you to Out of Standard, a new feature which will be appearing at IGWRT.   On the first Wednesday of each month I will set before you a challenge to defy the conventions of a particular theme.  I will call upon you to write out of the standard and find new places in the everyday, but there is a twist: in order to complete each challenge, you will also be asked to share something about yourself with the IGWRT community.  Let’s move onward to ...


That’s right, we have all been spurned by love at one point; be it a bitter end to a long term relationship, a deflating rejection by the object of our affection, a nasty fight, a crushing divorce, or even that crush who will never return our feelings for them.  We have all been there, and we all have that one song we turn to for comfort.  The one that has you belting out to every word as if it were written exactly for you.  
The Rules:

Share with us your go to break-up song (by posting an audio file, etc.), then take the lyric that you relate to the most from that song to use in a new poem which is in no way about a break-up or relationship gone sour.  Reinvent your personal anthem.  Bring us the unexpected. 

This is not about picking a great break-up song.  It’s about sharing the one you go to for comfort.  My own is an embarrassing little tune I first heard on a mixed tape when I was 21.  To this day, I still go to that song after a good heart breaking and sing along with it late at night, hand held over my heart.  
Also, like every challenge, your poem must be newly written and not a previous piece which conveniently fits the theme.   
Go now, my toads, and bring me back something startling, shiny, and new.
Viva la


  1. Wow! I am first. I love this new addition. Thanks Izy!!

  2. Enjoyed this prompt. Loved being asked to use music --- chose Jimmy Ruffin. (Who else remembers him?)

  3. I have my song, just trying to figure the angle.

  4. Very intriguing...h-m-m-m:) Thank-you Izy!

  5. Thank you Izy~
    Great idea...I love turning things sideways!
    I'll be back ;D

  6. I hope you don't mind if I leave the poem that I wrote this morning! My song is an old old story from long ago and Grad School: "Ain't Life Brook" by Ferron . . . .

  7. I had a bit of fun with this today! Feels good to laugh. Even at one's own writing!

  8. Bit under the weather today Izzy and fellow toads, but I love this whole concept, out of standard, and great place to start, the break-up tune--yeesh I have so many!...will see if my brain can be brought to a functioning state later.

  9. This is a tough one for me. I cannot think of any song I turn to for comfort. At this very moment I actually cannot think of any songs. But I will work on this through the day and perhaps even listen to the radio and get inspired.

  10. So imaginative!! I'll be awhile...hopes for this evening, thank you!!

  11. That was a very unique challenge and idea for a post. Enjoyed it very much, thank you!

  12. Izzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! :-)


  13. but of course you bring "Out of Standard" and defying conventions haha and a great first prompt too!!

  14. What great posts we have already...thanks to those toads who have shared with us their break up songs and who took the challenge of using their words to write a new standard for themselves! I am having soooo much fun reading these. If I haven't gotten to your post, I will soon.

    I will also be posting my own soon.

    those who haven't posted, fear not, you have a whole month until my next challenge....hope you will consider posting!!!

  15. Mea Culpa.

    I posted my early morning poem up above, knowing that this would nag at me all day as out of the spirit of the prompt, but also knowing it was easier than the exposure your innocent schematic truly demanded.

    But I did it. Artful or not, here is the real prompt fulfillment. With no apologies. Enjoy.

  16. Great prompt! This is going to take a bit more effort on my part I think...each attempt I've made to write something based on a line from the song just ends up being even more heartbreaking and more depressing! May require changing my tune (pun fully intended!)

  17. This was great fun, Izy and fellow toads!! Thank you all for participating and sharing a bit of your broken heart songs!

  18. I've posted my bit....though I don't think I have fared as well as some of you. Viva la

  19. Not sure if I actually met the challenge here, but I did have fun trying. Will be back a bit later to read--I'm very curious to see where others have taken this one--truly challenging and creative prompt, Izy.

  20. wow, this really challenged me, thank you so much, Izy. i am surprised by the thought and feeling process i went through to arrive at this song and these words. whoosh!

  21. Did anyone else go through all the poems again listening to the songs while reading? I feel bathed in wisdom and refreshed.

  22. OK, this may not have fully been the intention of the prompt, but I ended up with something darkly satirical that was a whole lot of fun to write. Refreshingly cathartic too :)

    Oh, and I feel compelled to add that I really don't have any aspirations toward becoming some kind of evil genius bent on world domination, but it was a fun voice to channel for a while :)

  23. I love this idea. I might not get it done for a few days, but my mind will be working on it on and off. Thanks, Izzy. I can't wait to read all the responses!

  24. Love it!!

    i won't have time this week, but hopefully next. a worthy challenge.
    it might be weird that i seriously can not wait to hear everyone's break up songs. :)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.