
Friday, July 20, 2012

Fireblossom Friday--The Devil, You Say!

Hello Toads and Toad followers. It's me, Fireblossom, with another Fireblossom Friday! 

I don't mean to shock you, but...

...this time, we're going to the devil!

The devil may take unexpected forms,

or try to get you to do unhealthy things.

I want to tempt you to write something about the devil, or any of his minions. Incubi, Succubi, imps, witches, all of them are fair game.

Just take a little trip with me.

All our friends will be there! Just write a new poem for this prompt, having anything to do with devils or their underlings. Then link up and...

...pray you haven't gone wrong for good!



  1. This is a classic Fireblossom dare! I love it. Just hope I'm up to something poetic. At the moment hell comes in the guise of needles and gurneys!

  2. Perfect prompt for this morning!

  3. Whee! As soon as I read this prompt the first stanza of my piece came to me - because I'd written it probably 25 years ago, when I was a wee little poet. So fun to brush that off and use it here!

  4. It is sad about about Colorado! My son was at the Batman movie, at midnight in NC. It makes me ill to think about it~ My thoughts n' prayers for all those affected~

    I love the mysteries of I will give this one a try~

  5. Well, just let me grab my handbasket!

  6. As most of you know, I'm mostly offline right now with an old back injury acting up, but I have linked an old one on this theme, as it's one I've written a lot about. I will be unable to do much visiting though, so please don't feel obligated to read.

    AFA Colorado, it's a terrible tragedy, and certainly traumatic for those involved. Best wishes for them in coping with this horrific event.

  7. Lots of devils in human form in this world, unfortunately. Some high profile: Colorado shooter. Sandusky, etc. And some others that never make the news but do their damage nonetheless.

  8. I LOVE this prompt and will be back, though I may not be able to post till tomorrow - I have a cleaning job and then babysit today. Argh.

    I hadnt watched news yesterday or today so only found out here about the Colorado shooting. How horrible. I cant begin to imagine what the shooter was thinking or feeling to do such a thing. So traumatic for all in that theatre.

  9. We know bad things happen everyday, somewhere... It is sad n' horrific!
    My Saturday post could upset someone...
    I don't think this prompt was meant to cause any harm...
    I love you toads, can't we get along...

  10. Good golly!
    An innocent visitor am I,
    in my new obsession,
    no news do I spy
    until after I post
    my latest expression--
    which is loaded with rock
    and probably rum,
    (good for what ails you,
    I hear, kelly and joy,
    but you did not find that here
    'cause I fear the law--
    the sky is grey with rain
    so I will go and rest my brain
    after a brief prayer
    for the world out there.

  11. Well, this is a little bit wild. I planned this devil theme days ago, and tried to make it rather light hearted, though the responses could be anything, and in fact, my own is rather dark. I had no idea until got home from work this evening, what had happened in the news. Anyway, as always, I will be around to visit everyone and to comment!

  12. It was a good challenge, Shay. It brought a wide range of interesting responses.

  13. GREAT challenge, Shay. I had fun with it. I dont watch the news very often and didnt know either. I have to go back out to babysit, but I will be around later to read everyone's. Cant wait.

  14. Thank you Shay, for this prompt. It brought a poem out of me that I don't know if I would have had the courage to write otherwise. There are only a few things I've ever written that have been this emotionally draining, very heavily influenced by the horrific tragedy in Colorado. I'll be around in the morning to catch up on reading.

  15. I tweaked something I had already seems to fit the bill for the prompt. I love writing "dark!"

  16. Thank you for the prompt, Shay!! I've only gotten to a handful of you tonight but it's late and tomorrow is full of a BIG family reunion thingy... :/ So any way...12:30 and eyes won't make sense of any more words. Read you all soon! :)

  17. Real life interferes so badly with my commenting, grr! I have seen some of your devilish responses and will read and comment on each and every one before the weekend is out. Thanks to everyone for being part of FBF!

    And yes, Coal really does need to get off her duff and write something, doesn't she?

  18. Hi Fireblossom, this prompt caught me in a grim mindset. I look forward to see what others do. k.

  19. I wrote one yesterday that has devil-ish elements. I'm not sure if it's appropriate or not.

  20. Fireblossom! I was blue because I couldn't see your feedback until I found your comment lurking in the spam box!! That makes no sense! I cut and pasted it in, but it is under my name--so let me thank you HERE! Yes, I snuck in the other song deliberately thinking it was too common a phrase to be documented. But that is dishonest so I will do it . . . That was the fault of the devil, I am sure. Your comment is wonderful!

  21. I think I have visited everyone. If I missed you, please let me know about my wickedness and I will be sure to come by!

  22. Ohh. Devilishly spooky. I can't stand watching their eyes. Its like they're giving me an evil glare. Spooky!

  23. My link never works, but I did post on my blog:

  24. wickedly wonderful prompt!

    i've only been to a few links ~i'll be back to visit more after i get some sleep.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.