
Monday, July 16, 2012

Open Link Monday

Calling all toads to the imaginary garden...

Normanack on Flickr
Creative Commons

It is always a pleasure to welcome everyone to Real Toads on a Monday.  I look forward to a day of fun reading and lots of activity as poets stop by to share, reflect and visit.  You are free to link any poem you choose, whether newly written or a piece from your archives, as long as it is your original work and not that of a group or any form of advertisement.  Management reserves the right to remove unrelated links.

Every so often, I must point out to new-comers that this site does not work well as a hit and run.  I have noticed that some people link up their pieces but do not visit or comment on the poems of others. (As Head Toad, I do check up on these things... call me managerial, if you will.)  There is nothing to say that you have to be polite and at least return a comment if someone else left one for you, but this is a small forum, and you will not go unnoticed.  Real Toads will not prove very advantageous for your blog if you don't do some hopping.

Have a wonderful day - I hope it is the start to a great week.


  1. Still deliberating on the Monk's Tale prompt! I think there's still time to link to that one! But this link is something quite different!

  2. Yay made it , got a tad busy last week... well yup tis Monday

  3. I just finished writing "From where the commoners watch" too late for Bastille Day which inspired it, so I am posting it now for both you and dVerse--a little early for Open-Link Monday. And now I am going to check out Sunday's mini-challenge. See what happens when I take 36 hours off? See you later, Kerry!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wishing YOU ALL a sweet week
    with Aloha, from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

  6. Here's one of mine:

  7. As I was rather late with my Monks Stanza I have linked it again. I didn't think you'd want to plough the French in my Verlaine Pastiche!

  8. good morning Toads! happy Monday and have a wonderful week!

  9. Still not in much of a position to comment, as sitting in my computer chair seems the worst for th leg pain, but I've linked Fireblossom's amazing poem for her, and I also want to thank everyone who's been by my blog this weekend. Hopefully I'll be up and around more soon. Have a great week, all.

  10. Can't get to Adrian Aidz's blog from his link.

  11. First day back at work, with an unrelenting 3 months ahead. I have linked up yesterday's poem because I'm too tired to think back to something from my archives. Many thanks to those who have already left their thoughts on my Monk's Tale.

  12. Happy Monday to everyone in the Garden! Will be around later to do some reading - if I don't melt in the summer swelter!

  13. Enjoyed the Monk's Tales, but kitty and puppy tails (and maybe cat o' nine tails for some of you naughty 'uns) are more my speed!
    Here's another highly introspective one for you today,toads, entitled "Good Shots."

  14. I am on a bit of a summer blogger break, but will be back tonight to comment on Open Link AND Sunday's Mini Challenge...

  15. Happy Monday! Will be back to make my rounds tonight!

  16. "... if you don't do some hopping" :) That was funny. Love that frog picture at the top of the post.

  17. One of the problems can be technical. Last week I hopped in and linked, which I haven't done in a long time. Mainly because I hop around the 'Net too much and don't always remember the really good places to visit. Second is that I had just realized that the poems seem to be what resonate with readers. But when I tried to visit others on blogger, More often than not I get sign-in errors and system freezes. So I do try! Carol

  18. Happy Monday ~ My new poem is up ~

    (aka Heaven)

  19. Hi Kerry! So sorry I missed the Huitane. (Is that right?) May try one late, if I can. k.

  20. Damn...I almost forgot it was open link day. Hey Y'all!

  21. hey and how is it monday again already?!
    a new little ditty. no great shakes. :/

  22. Hey you. I just stumbled on your site and guess what? I love it. Your posts are quite interesting. I'll definitely come back to read more.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.