
Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Treat on Thursday

I would like to apologize to our members and regular followers for the lack of challenge yesterday and offer an unexpected Thursday Treat to make up for it. I was fortunate, recently, to come across this video clip of Margaret Atwood reading from her book, The Tent, a collection of mini-fictions on a range of interesting subjects.

This story presents us with an unique view of an iconic figure, Helen of Troy, from an entirely unexpected angle. The collection also includes a piece wherein Horatio gives his real opinion of Hamlet.
What a rare treat this offers the writer!  Literature and history offer us a wealth of characters to choose from, and present from the viewpoint of a jealous sibling, neglected spouse, spurned lover or unappreciated servant.  Take for example a description of Scarlett O'Hara from Mammy's perspective... The possibilities are endless.

I hope we will all have some fun with this idea. If nothing immediately springs to mind, take it away with you to work on in your own time and share the end result with us at a later date.


  1. Love Atwood! Thanks for the great listen and the great challenge, Kerry.

  2. How fun is this. Just hope I can rise to the challenge. I KNOW this will make for some fun reading.

  3. Oh, Margaret Atwood! Fabulous choice!
    I once found two errors in one sentence of an Atwood book published by Oxford University Press. I was simply horrified.
    As my family was planning a trip to Britain (including a week using Oxford as a base for day trips) I wanted to take the book with me so I could give someone a good talking-to, but it would have made my luggage too heavy. And, although the Toads might not believe it, I am very shy.

  4. Great challenge! Hope Kenia is okay, maybe she didn't have internet service?!

  5. I love Margaret Atwood. Thanks for the Thursday challenge.

  6. nice! & we are resilient, glitches don't even phase us here. right? ;)

  7. No reason to let the vagaries of life upset our rhythm. Change is constant.

  8. What a great and unexpected treat. I'll write for this tonight! And, thanks for stepping in, Kerry. We appreciate it, and I, too, hope that Kenia is all right.

  9. I've also been hoping Kenia is okay, and I checked the chatroll for new news, but of course you're on the other side of the world, Kerry, and I wasn't thinking about time zones.
    Can't believe I'm first on this challenge. This IS a first.

  10. I have gone to this well more than any man has a right to--I figure I've done a good half-dozen poems on the Romeo & Juliet/West Side Story tag team alone--but I read something the other day which plays into this a bit, so I'm ridin' this horse on more time.

  11. I picked up sleeping beauty one more time because she still has a lot to say. I would too if I had slept for 100 years. This Beauty is also informed by Sheri Tepper's novel of that name. The form is from Poetic Bloomings. I like feeding two birds with one bag of seed!

  12. I really enjoyed the reading!! Such fun...I was distracted by some news though and will have to save this idea for another time.

    I had to tend to some medicinal writing. Hoping to be back "on," to a normal me soon...

    I apologize to all for my lack of presence around the pond lately.

  13. I love me some Atwood. I am currently working my way through her Year of the flood books which are devastating amazing. I know we associate her with sci-fi and dystopian fundamentals, but my favorite book of hers was The Blind Assassin, which takes place in early 1900's Canada and is about an heiress of a button factory. That book is by far the richest, most rewarding books I have read in the 2000's

  14. Well, just imagining from the sister's view...


  15. Wow! This one actually forced me to write something... it's longer than I anticipated. I've been so snowed under at work, and this has been written on the fly, probably could do with a lot of editing, but at least its something to offer the kindly toads.

  16. Adore Margaret Atwood's work! My first experience was The Handmaid's Tale! I have read it several times! Then it was Cat's Eye and then The Blind Assassin. I too have been snowed under with work commitments, so I expect I am too late to try this prompt. Any chance that this gets a 2nd spin next week???


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.