
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fireblossom Friday: Do You Believe In Magic?

Hi Toads. It's your friendly neighborhood spell caster Fireblossom, with a new challenge for you! I know that it is still (barely) September, but this is my last FBF until after Halloween, so all I can tell you is, this girl's gotta do what this girl's gotta do. Pull out that old cauldron. How about a little magic?

There's magic...

...and then there's MAGIC.

Write me something Poe would be proud of! I want you to compose a poem with magic (and perhaps a little bit of eye of newt) in it. Then sign the linky and let us all come and read what you have come up with! I look forward to flying by your blog on my trusty broom to see what you have brewed up!

One thing...I ask that your poem be a NEW poem, written for this challenge. Thanks!


  1. You are ALWAYS magic, luv! ;)

    What fun!

    Have an Autumnally Perfect Day!

    Collage Pirate

  2. There's magic and there's MAGIC! I chose the latter.

  3. Love this one Shay--and you know I always have the Halloween spirit going on.

  4. Hiya Shay,
    I'm holding back from halloween for a few more weeks [time is going fast enough as it is :-)] and indulged in some long-term magic.
    Thanks for the prompt and the thoughts it stirred.

  5. A POEm for Poe! oooh, time to sweep in some incantations...
    I'm so in a Halloween mood :D

  6. dig it! *cackle* i'll be back...

  7. I can't wait to read what this prompt inspires - great theme for a Friday poem fest.

  8. I love this prompt! It made me late for work this morning!

  9. Well, this should be right up my alley!!!!! Will zoom back........

  10. Oh my goodness, Shay, Edgar Allan Poe, and me without two brain cells to rub together (head cold persists, blame it).
    If something comes to me in a nap-time dream, I'll be right backatcha. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to finding out how Poe-like the other Toads can be.
    Luv, K

  11. I love it! What fun to write dark and in a Halloween voice.

  12. Mermaid hair? Yes, please! That oughtta get my muse off her finned duff. ;)

    Great prompt. Thank you. I'm inspired.


  13. Busy day here; but I now have written something. Wishing each of you a 'magical' weekend. Thanks, Shay, for the prompt.

  14. Can anyone visit Karen's blog? The link did not work for me.

  15. Sorry if you tried to visit the first link. I just discovered it was broken. I'm trying again. Please stop by!

  16. Okay, my broom got side-tracked. Manana , mes amigas!

  17. A bit haunting, perhaps, suspenseful for sure, but magical? That depends on what happens next. The short story "The Monkey's Paw" keeps coming to me, a story I read over 45 years ago. It must have made an impression. Thanks for the eerie prompt, Fireblossom. It moved me.

  18. Hi, Toads! Work is kicking my happy little ass this week, and I have one more day (today) to get through, but then I shall be by either tonight or on Sunday to see what all of you have written! Thank you all for being patient.

  19. I could not say it any better, breaks my heart to listen to it, but it is pure magic.

  20. So wish I could, but I am "MIA" from blogging this weekend. I am attending a Buck Brannaman horse clinic (the original Horse Whisperer - the one Robert Redford portrayed). I will be back to read these fun pieces, though.

  21. Sorry for the late post, but I was chauffeuring the daughter all weekend! I'll be back to read the entries, hopefully some time tonight or tomorrow (Tues.) I sure could use some magic about now!

  22. Great prompt! My poem leans more toward the mystical rather than the magical, but I think it still fits. Now if I could just start conjuring my poems in a more timely fashion!

  23. Hmm...trying to play catch up and your challenge has me stumped...I'll have to wait for that type of "Poe," mood and give it a go!! :)'s thank you for the prompt FB!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.