
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sunday Challenge "Around the World"

Happy Weekend!  I, Margaret, am presenting this week's Sunday Challenge.  I am offering a few images from my favorite place at Disney World:  Epcot.  It is a feast for the eyes and the tastebuds.  How I wish I had photographed the food!  Maybe that is a reason to go back...

Epcot is a fun place to travel around the world within a few hours.  Evening came upon us as we toured the world, so some parts of the world are not represented here.  We did get to listen to "The Beatles" in Merry Ol' England, and did I mention the food from around the world?  

I hope you find at least one photograph that inspires.  If you would like more of a selection, please go to my blog Art Happens 365 and click on the top "box" on the right hand side "Poetry Prompts".  You may use the photos marked "Around the World".


  1. Thanks for providing more of your wonderful photos, Margaret. Now to decide which...

  2. I was lucky enough to visit Epcot back in the 80s. I'm sure much has changed since then, but these pics bring back memories.

  3. As always, Margaret, your photos are just stunning. I visited your blog, and checked out the additional ones labeled 'around the world'--now I have no idea how I will be able to pick! ;_) Thanks for sharing these with us.

  4. Margaret, I'm trying to jump back into the online poetry world; and your photos are the perfect springboard. Thank you!

  5. Such nice comments, thank you! I wish I could go back with a poetic mind and eye... I would do the angles and compositions slightly differently. I took a ton, but most didn't lend themselves to a poetic prompt.

    You all made my day with your enthusiasm. :)

  6. Got my poem posted and enjoyed your photos Margaret. I still could not get it transferred to my blog. At one point I managed to black our my whole blog so I am a little hesitant now. I will continue to work on this process! I know someone gave me advice on how to do it the last time but that is how I nearly blacked out my blog. Oh well, the mysteries of cyberspace continue.

  7. I love pink. It's a new development as I was more of a tom girl back in the day. Change is interesting at times.
    Thanks for the prompt with photographs.

  8. Best photographer in blogdom. Period.

  9. hi Margaret, such wonderful photos! i've never been to Epcot. kinda can't believe it. maybe one day we'll get to take our family. thanks for sharing!

  10. Beautiful photographs Margaret. I have never been to Epcot but your photography stirs a wish to make a visit.

  11. Very cool, heading to Disney in two weeks!

  12. One picture sent my mind off in an odd direction... :)

  13. Thank you for writing to my photos. I truly enjoy the reactions, the impressions. Such creative voices you all have!

  14. Once again I'm just staggered by your talent behind the camera, Margaret. Amazing photos, simply amazing. One of them proved to be just the spark of inspiration I needed to finish out a draft that has been haunting me for a few weeks. Thanks so much for sharing these great images with us!

  15. I lived in Orlando for eight years .. worked for the largest group transportation company in all of Florida ... WDW our largest client! I cannot tell you how many visits to the theme park I have made, backstage tours, underground tours, you name it ... Epcot my favorite place of all.

  16. Love your snaps! So different and varied@


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.