
Monday, October 8, 2012

Open Link Monday

Welcome to our garden ...

Source Unknown*
... where Real Toads like to hang out every Monday.

Here you may share your latest piece of writing, seek commentary on an older poem lost to your archives or simply enjoy the wonderful reading on offer by our members and friends. 
Please remember that our Linkys do not expire, so late additions are always welcome.  Our only request is that you join in our poetic picnic in the spirit in which it is intended: link original work, and return commentary.

*If the rightful owner of this image objects to its use on IGWRT, please contact management and it will be removed.


  1. If I dont get to re comment please forgive me I have huge computer issues at the moment... meanwhile hope all is well in the Toad pond

  2. Good Morning Dear Toads!! Have a great week!!

  3. I hopped back in time to find this one...

  4. Using my Mad Kane limerick once again.
    Love this photo, Kerry. My mother had a cup and saucer similar to this when I was young.

  5. good morning, Toads! i wrote another Sijo (the form Kerry introduced on the weekend) for your review. i'm loving that form! xo

  6. thanks for hosting as may take me a while to get to everyone's daughter is home visiting from college:-)

  7. I may have missed some others in Real Toads but not OLM. It has that attraction where our freedom to choose is left unhindered. Thanks Kerry!


  8. Monday has never felt so pleasurable! I wrote a new poem this morning and I'm prepping for my writing workshop tonight where I have put in some work for critique today--oooo. I'm ready, I think, thanks to the generosity and inspiration of the Real Toads in this garden.

  9. Haven't been here in ages! Enjoy a newer poem of mine :)

  10. I like your 'teacup find' picture for this week. We have to be satisfied with Magnolia blossoms in our cups, as those are what we have to pick here.

    Thank you for peeking in on Bid Bird in hiding. I had to do that. :) I really do like the guy even if here in a Red state we aren't supposed to.

  11. Hope everyone has a HOPPY Monday! :-)

  12. A bit of a departure for Timoteo today..learn about one of my favorite characters on Spanish language TV!

  13. I posted my sijo poems ~

    Happy Monday everyone ~

  14. Hi all--and what a nice way to start off the week---

  15. OOPS! didn't mean to enter myself twice! Copied the URL for a comment on another blog, then lost my place. Sorry!!!

  16. Today while reading quotes about poetry I came across Marianne Moore's quote about how poets should make imaginary gardens with real toads in them and I was so excited... I didn't know where the name for this blog came from. Anyway... look forward to all the toads...

  17. Please delete #36. I am "Poetry-Chick" Margaret's daughter and I have started my own poetry and photography blog. I look forward to reading all of your poems. Thank you.

  18. Hello everyone, hope you had a wonderful day


    The source wasn't too hard to find.
    She only has one left for sale.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.