
Monday, January 28, 2013

Open Link Monday

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden...'re in the company of Real Toads!

Good day to all friends and visitors to the garden. This is your weekly opportunity to link up a poem of your choice, free from any restrictions and parameters of prompts and challenges. I always look forward to seeing your latest pieces, or having the opportunity to read a poem from your archives which I may have missed. Please remember that this is a shared forum, so in linking a poem, be sure to return the visits to your site - your comments are much appreciated.


  1. Good morning, Kerry. Today's poem is over a week old, and it can be a participation poem if you wish.

  2. Good morning Toads! I discovered this wonderful community only today. I love the poems I've been reading from the Real Toads and the challenges/prompts. I am nowhere as good a poet as the regular contributors here. My poems tend to use everyday words and sentence constructions and deal with very commonplace issues. But I hope to grow as a writer, hopefully with help from the Toads :) Cheers!

  3. Toads are gems!

    Aloha from Honolulu-
    Please enjoy a Free Download/Peek at my Hawaii Novel @ Kindle eBooks!
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  4. It's been a few weeks since I've been in the garden. Looking forward to this. Happy Monday to all :-)

  5. Good morning! I posted one from way back in 2010 when only one person read my blog.

  6. Good morning. I'm posting one inspiring the other day by the night sky, while feeding my goats. Thank you for hosting. :)

  7. I linked a new poem I wrote. I have been into writing to Klimt (and other) paintings lately.

  8. Wonderful to log on after a long hot day at work and see so many happy faces and positive energy. Thanks to all who link up today.

  9. what a gorgeous photo to start us off!

  10. good morning, friends! some of you already read the poem i'm linking, but it's still cold and i woke up crabby plus i have to travel this week so it's still appropriate. heh! more coffee, please. xo

  11. Late for Susan's Sunday challenge: we were snowbound in my studio, in the middle of nowhere, trapped by drifts to prevent us getting to the main road.
    Ever so cosy, beautiful as well. And I reckon I lost a few pounds in weight, food stocks being low :-)
    Still, one can write with paper and pencil. So here is my linkage.

  12. oooh, love the gorgeous header and the iced rose! Such beauties in our garden... <3 what you have done Kerry!

    Hope everyone is well! :D

  13. Had to take a little hiatus--feels good to be back. How is everyone in Toadland?

  14. Good morning to everyone from cold winter Canada ~

    I am linking up a poem for Marian's Alibi song challenge ~

    Love the new header and toad quote ~


  15. The make-over is beautiful!!!

    Meenakshi!! Welcome!!

    Cheers to Toads and followers alike!

    Happy Monday peeps....I'll be making the challenge rounds and these ones too...happy to see such a full garden!


  16. I've linked up one of the poems from my book, it just seemed apt this week. Thank you so much for all your love and support about the book release on Kindle, it's been a whirlwind and after 100 sales in 24 hours the publishers are now bringing forward the paperback printing to within the month. It's crazy. I need you lot to keep my feet on the ground, bring on a challenge :)

  17. I have enjoyed reading /commenting on the 26 others who have posted in open link so far today and would like to thank the 8 people of these people who visited / commented on my posted poem. Just saying...

  18. “Simultaneous Essence”

    Eager to learn the language of the soul
    Her head rested on his shoulder like a
    Bird folding its wings,
    And all the while the cashmere moon,
    A lothario to earth in a traveling halo
    With Ellington’s sheen.

  19. Boo Ya baby.....this ones a blood bool! Happiest of Mondays!

  20. Finally got my Sunday challenge completed. :) Thanks, Susan!

  21. Monday nights are my busy nights with the kids. "chauffeuring from 3:30 'till 9:30. Will come back early morning to enjoy the links.

  22. i apologize for how long it takes me to get around to visit others ~ please bear with me as i will get there! {smile}

  23. It's not Monday but I'm sharing a favorite of mine.

    Thanks for the chance to play.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.