
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Words Count With Mama Zen

image via pinterest

Ain't that the truth?

Today, we're talking about the hard stuff.  You know, the stuff that slips out of your grasp like smoke before you can capture it with words.  The stuff that you wrestle with for hours and end up with nothing but a blank piece of paper, chewed nails, and a thousand yard stare.  The stuff that makes writing poetry . . . well, incredibly difficult sometimes.  Yes, that stuff.

Now, don't start squirming already; I'm not necessarily referring to deeply personal, dark night of the soul type of things (though they can certainly fit the bill).  I'm talking about anything that is difficult for YOU.  Let me give you some personal examples:

  1. I have a helluva hard time setting a poem in an urban environment.  Such a place is out of my comfort zone and out of my realm of experience. 
  2. Long poems are difficult for me; I think in sound bites.
  3. I know this will surprise most of you, but I really don't do perky well.
See what I mean?

So, what's your "hard stuff?"  Got a form that slays you?  A topic you can't seem to get a handle on?  Still looking for that word that rhymes with "orange?"  Write about it . . . any way you want . . . in 75 (generous) words or less.


  1. I love your word count challenges, MZ, as evocative/witty brevity is the hardest thing for me. And I used only 38 of my words! (But I must post quickly lest I elaborate.)

  2. I'm scared witless, thanks so much. I thought about pretending what I find really hard but heard a small voice saying "you're only cheating yourself". so I stand here and say - free verse is my.personal nightmare. that's what I'll grapple with. think of me

  3. Thank you for finally making me sort out a form that long escaped me.

  4. Seriously? After sharing that writing hard core romance makes me squirm, you post this challenge... Ewww...

  5. *whispers*
    For me, it's s-e-x........

    I can pirate collage it....but writing it makes me squirm.......
    ergo: I can only have sex with a pot of Mod Podge in one hand........


  6. I love this challenge. For me, writing poetry in the first week back at school is nigh on impossible, but perhaps I can push out 75 words.

  7. I've penned about penning, I hope that's not classified as a cop out

  8. I only write when THEY tell me. The words are my directors and my tools. They keep me locked away until they need my fingers.

  9. Ugh. I would only do this for you or Shay, MZ. I ask everyone to please be circumspect in their comments, as I never write about this stuff for a reason. Thanks, toads. Will be by to read later.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. all i have to say is, where can i find pirate collage sex??? i got me some Modge Podge right here.

  12. ... I HOPE I was to write about it... not write in the style that horrifies me :) Otherwise, I failed miserably. I'll be back later tonight to comment... off to see my horse.

  13. All I can think about is my throbbing jaw, y'all.

  14. This was fun...uncomfortably, so. ;) Thanks Mama Z!!

  15. I took on the challenge and wrote using the rictameter form. I can' remember which toad introduced me to the form, but thank you...I was challenged. :)

  16. I would swear I left a comment earlier . . . weird!

    Well, what I meant to say is thanks for writing! I been bogged down with medical stuff all day, but I'll be visiting soon!

  17. Your blog is amazing. I will be back!

  18. First MZ - hope your medical stuff all okay. Second, this WAS hard - especially after reading other people's great stuff. Agh. k.

  19. This was a challenge to write ~

    Happy day to everyone ~

  20. MZ, I did find this hard! Thanks for pushing us~ :D

    I also thought of you, when I wrote this poem! Yes, I used some bones ;D

  21. Marian-


    I collage my story lines before I actually write them. The characters are created that way.......and it has produced some pret-ty interesting stuff...... lol

  22. A challenging prompt, Mama Zen. Even in my Hard Stuff poem I dodge the issue.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.