
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Let's Do The Time Warp Again

Hello dear Toads. In Stephen King's novel "11/22/63", a portal to another time is found in the floor of the stock room in Al's Diner. It's a very specific portal, depositing the narrator into the afternoon of September 9, 1958. He decides to bide his time and try to prevent the assassination of President Kennedy, some five years later. 

But that's him! What about you? What would you do? Think about it. It can be as grand as King's character's scheme, or as simple as grabbing a cherry Coke at a soda fountain, with the Coke made with cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup! Then write about it and link up!

Here is a hit song from 1958, to help get you in the mood.

PS--Apparently, I must belabor the obvious. My challenge is to write about what you would do or experience if you were transported to 1958 (or, at least, the 1950s). You needn't have been alive then. Please take on the challenge or don't link. Off-topic links will be deleted.



  1. You sent me on a trip somewhere!
    And inspired the post I just put up....

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. I am first! Goodness how did that happen? Thanks for the prompt Fireblossom!

  3. I wouldn't try to stop the assassination. As terrible as it sounds, there was a lot of impact on people, and it might be bad to remove that. I'd definitely enjoy a taste of the 50's, which seemed to be a sort of magical time compared to the current hustle and bustle. I'd grab a burger and milkshake, then go to a movie.

    Now I feel shallow.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  4. 1950s South Africa might put me in a mad bad place!

    1. very true. I've not gone back that far, I hope that's ok

  5. I can't believe I've actually shared this secret memory in.poetry, it's been fun :)

  6. I'll be around tonight to visit!

  7. Like Emma, I don't share that collective memory.
    My imaginary trip back is a decade or so later.

  8. Mine was August 9, 1956. Close enough I hope.

  9. This is my first time joining you. It looked like so much fun I had to give it a try. I'm always following you though :-)

  10. Let's do the time warp again ;D
    Love this prompt...
    Thanks FB!

  11. I won't be able to write until I ge home from work tonight, however you know it will probably about Ginsberg and the atomic bomb right? I mean pretty much >>

  12. I jumped way to the left for this prompt!

  13. shay... hmmm. been pondering this all day, we'll see if i can turn my musings into anything. just wanted to say i'm here!

  14. Love the challenge ~~ I was livin' large in the 50s!!!

  15. I was suddenly 12 again. What a trip!

  16. Not sure if mine fit the prompt, exactly...but hope it works.

  17. Ugh, I am one of those people that missed that the prompt was specifically for the 1950's. Sorry about that!

  18. for the sake of everyone having to put up with me writing a poem a day, I have refrained from mentioning radiation poisoning, the cold war, or the clash. UR welcome!!!!

  19. Way cool prompt Shay. I'll be scribbling and see if I come up with anything to share.

  20. after getting confused with the prompt, like many of us, I've now written a time warp about the 1950s. sorryforgettingitwrong

  21. Aww, Izy.. no fallout zones, Reds...?

  22. ^^LOL, Kerry is all disappointed! laffin

  23. hah, obviously i am distracted on top of sleep-deprived. i wrote a poem about 1989. but what the hell, i'll save it for later as no doubt i'll need one later! :)

  24. I haven't heard of that Stephen King story! I'll have to look it up. Sounds fabulous! Thanks! ~Angela

  25. This is SO late, but I had to play. Loved this prompt... I tweaked the rules by three years... I will be back tomorrow to read all the offerings to this challenge and will also post it on OLM


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.