
Monday, January 27, 2014

Open Link Monday

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden ...

photo credit: Otto Phokus via photopin cc
Do you have a special place, where you like to write poetry? Perhaps a park bench, a bolt-hole in your home which you have claimed as your personal space or maybe your thoughts gather as you are commuting to work. In the mad rush of daily living, many poets must find that space in their hearts and minds, and carve out a little time from their busy days to commit the words that circle there to screen, phone memo pad or notebook. Whatever your method, it is always a joy to be able to participate in the process, here in the Imaginary Garden and our rewards are great - the privilege of reading some of the best poetry on the blogs.

Please link up your latest, or an old favourite poem which you would like to share. There are no restrictions to who may participate or whether your poem has been previously linked to a different meme but this is a poetry site, so an unrelated post featuring a different genre could be removed.


  1. Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! I generally write in bed, when the house is asleep, reason why I talk so much about the night. I have trouble sleeping, then writing is a good way to use the sleepless time wisely.

  2. Good Morning Toads and guests! I write from my bed of insomnia also Kenia...I hope everyone has a great week!!

  3. Is this insomnia synonymous with us writers...I also usually write when the house sleeps :)

  4. Good Morning ~~ I signed in and will head for bed.
    Thanks again for hosting, Kerry.

  5. Good week to all ~

  6. Yo, croakers 'n' pad-preeners -- bottoms up!

  7. insomnia must be contagious... hope everyone has a great week....

  8. Hey Toads! My blogger keeps misbehaving and saying "Page(s) Unresponsive" as if it were leaving me but lingering a while in the goodbye stage. Is anyone else having this recurring problem? (It wants to know if I to Wait or Kill Pages!!?)

    Today I am posting a warm up I wrote while trying to decide which character to write a letter from in repeating Kerry's prompt for Margaret's challenge. I still haven't written that one (Sorry Kerry and Margaret). But this warm-up was fun.

  9. An interesting post that I enjoyed reading. Glad you like poetry.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  10. Hello Toads! Happy to hang out in the garden with ya'll.

  11. Posting my "Play it Again, Toads" here as I am running behind. Will comments on the Play it Again prompt and here later tonight as I am off to do the"after school things" with the kids.

  12. I started writing poetry when I was seventeen or eighteen while working at Kash N' Karry/ Sweetbay. I worked in the produce department, which must have been some type of muse for me! I wrote a good 60 poems while working there!

  13. I'm a total night person. I write in bed too. Someday I hope to have a window seat where I can write while looking at the stars.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.