
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Talk To The Animals

Greetings fellow Toads! 

Today we venture into the land of quirky creativity.  Each night upon return to my cabin aboard the Nieuw Amsterdam I discovered a charming animal fashioned of towels perched atop my (yes) turned down bed ~ compliments of Faz, Super Cabin Attendant! One evening I returned early (to don my dancing shoes) and discovered Faz in the process of creating an adorable monkey! It took a bit of urging, finally he consented to a photo.

Which brings me to April Poetry Month and 
Day Twenty-Nine ~~ channeling your inner Dr. Doolittle!  As you may recall the good Doctor D. shunned human patients in favor of the animal variety .. and had the uncanny ability to speak their language! 

The challenge:  Talk to the animals in poetic form ~ if you get lucky, it might be a two way conversation ~ let's face it, day twenty-nine and you are exhausted .. any form, choose your  animal, anything goes!  Can't wait to read your poems!


  1. Loved, loved, loved this prompt!!! *smile* Thank you!

  2. I loved that ship. Sounds like you had a fab time, dancing shoes and all :-)

  3. Hey Helen--I have a non animal poem almost done but maybe will be able to slip this in-- thanks -- it's very cute.

  4. How fun and grrreat! Oh, sorry that was lame- Off to find some words of Koalaty!

  5. I KNOW I'm like 6 challenges behind in commenting and I am taking a bit of a break after tomorrow - will not be posting ask my husband and I are celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary. BUT I will be visiting and commenting when I can as I KNOW my husband will have some business issues he will need to address so I will keep busy with poetry :)

    Thanks for this challenge, Helen. I love my animals.

  6. Going to try and catch up on all thirty poems tomorrow.. I've been caught up with essays so haven't replied to all who have commented on my blog, but I will.

    Today I wrote about a fox :)

  7. Well, I ended up giving an animal a voice..Goodness I didn't know writing so many poems could wipe me out!

  8. Oh I LOVE this prompt! Thank you Helen! I'm sorry, I'm so behind I haven't been visiting anyone much, though if I do try to say hey to anyone who leaves a comment for me. Holy cow, I can't wait for this month to be over!

  9. Looks like CC and I picked the same critter, so off to read. Cheers, y'all ~

  10. I'm so sorry I was unable to read and write for this challenge yesterday. My internet router/modem crashed. It is the worst thing for me to be cut off from the garden! Luckily I am back online this morning.

  11. As usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short!

  12. totally enjoyed this prompt; thanks for sharing your nice photos

    much love...

  13. Once again I stumbled upon the prompt through Sherry....glad to be here...thanks for a great prompt Helen! :-)

  14. Helen, I always talk to the towel animals on my shipboard bed.
    Some of them even answer.
    Sounds like fun.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.