
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Words Count With Mama Zen

April is the cruelest month, breeding  Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain
Image via Pinterest

In his masterpiece The Waste Land, poet T.S. Eliot describes April as the cruelest month (and, as far as we know, he wasn't even doing the poem a day thing!).  Do you agree?  Give me the best and worst of April, then render a verdict . . . in 66 words or less.


  1. well, maybe not *exactly* what you're looking for, MZ... ~

  2. Cool picture, MZ! I will try to write for this tonight.

  3. I've never wanted a tattoo, but I can think of a verse or two now that I might want to carry around on me--but somewhere I could read it without a mirror. I have actually managed to stay within the word count this time, MZ. Back to visit this afternoon.

  4. Thanks, MZ. I have been struck down by a bug so I don't think I will have any poetry in me today.


  5. I enjoyed this, Mom. I always do. Aprils can be buggers.

    Nice tattoo message too, my tattoo


  6. Thanks for the cool prompt. I will be back later to check everything out.

  7. I'm almost afraid to click on Jim's "my tattoo" :) ha ha

    Ok, I played "light" with this theme. I'll be back tonight to visit and comment (still finishing up Monday's poems)

  8. Oh, my...the best and worst of April-pollen and sinus issues will be in my offering.

  9. Oh, my...the best and worst of April-pollen and sinus issues will be in my offering.

  10. April in our part is a bit different
    ...we reel under a sweltering heat in April..nice prompt.. :)

  11. Oh, I've been hoping for a "Words Count," MZ. I'm going to have too much fun with it, so I'm begging your forgiveness in advance.

  12. Thank you, Mom Zee. I'm not doing the poem-a-day but one of these years I'll try it out. I like Aprils although one was a big mistake.

  13. Thanks so much Mama Zen..I am finding I am less wordy of late.

  14. Thank you MZ!!

    Sorry your not feeling well Kerry...healing energies to you.

  15. I'm afraid I took this to a rather silly place, though it is typical of my April. So, thanks, MZ. HOpe you are feeling better, Kerry. K.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.