
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Words Count With Mama Zen

Confession:  despite wracking my brain for the past two weeks, I have been unable to come up with a decent poetry prompt.

Whew!  I feel so much better, now!  I guess confession really is good for the soul . . . 

Now, it's your turn.  What do you have to confess today?  Unburden yourself . . . in 65 words or less.


  1. Oh, those wonderful days of staring at the screen and nothing wicked this way comes...

    The image made me snort-giggle. ;-D

  2. Yes, that illustration grabbed me too. Tempting as it was to expose all, my problem was narrowing down the topic to something not too vulnerable and not too trivial. I went for cute.

  3. A "good for the soul" topic, Mama Z! An old blog post came to mind...still fits, so I linked :)

  4. Confession, so I've heard is so good for the soul! Great use of words you gifted us with too!

  5. Super charming, MZ. k.

  6. JUST what I needed today Mama Zen!! Thank you!✩

  7. will be back later to read when it's cooled down. have to let my machine take a rest, as I have no AC ~

  8. Okay, I can do it in TWO:

    I Suck.

    Does that work???? hee hee.
    My work here is done.

  9. I needed this today. I dedicate my poem to my former son-in-laws. :) Thank you Mama Zen.

  10. Thanks MZ! 65 or less is fun...I went less.

  11. Thanks for a fun prompt! I wrote 3 poems, each under 65 words but together more than 65 words-I confess!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.