
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Flash Fiction 55

Once there was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn't know what to do. In fact, she had precisely fifty-five children! There was Susie and Judy and....well, have you ever tried to keep fifty-five names straight, fix dinner for fifty-five every night, AND find time to write?!? 

It's that time, everybody. Time to write a poem or a piece of flash fiction in exactly fifty-five words, no more, no less. Any subject; children, shoes, nervous breakdowns, whatever floats your boat! 


  1. Hi Shay, thanks for bringing us the Flash 55. My poetic brain cells seem to be on leave at the moment. I hope I can string the required number of words together for this.

  2. I normally write my 55's in advance, but I had a dream far too weird to pass up--I only wish G-man could have the opportunity to read and not understand it. ;_)

  3. Flashing shoes and nervous breakdowns, huh? Lovely. I shall write something for it... maƱana!

  4. LOL @ Hedgewitch.

    Everyone feel free to grab our 55 badge from the top of this post.

  5. ps--I have pandered shamelessly to our South African head Toad with mine.

  6. Hi all.. Been on hiatus for a while.. But couldn't miss a 55 .. Hope summer is treating you well..

  7. Hey! I'll be back to read in 8 hours or 10.

  8. I hope this goes through Sunday - I'll be back then to post. Just wondering… Galen, is he off vacationing and enjoying the summer? I hope he is well (I've been a little worried).

  9. (Yes, indeed, LOL, Hedgewitch!) What a fun twist on the old rhyme...great 55.

  10. Hi Shay. Thanks for the "comical" prompt. I made my way back to the garden with the help of my blind seeing-word dog, and somehow managed 55 words of real doggerel.
    It's almost 4am now, and Lindy is snoring loudly behind me, so I'm off to bed again.
    Luv, K

  11. Hey Shay--I should have gone comic but have not felt so comic lately! Thanks, as always. k.

  12. This was fun! Mine actually turned into an erasure poem - I started flipping through a novel I was reading and pulling words out to create this piece.

  13. Thanks for keeping the 55 alive! :o)

  14. i think am a bit late,... its been a longtime away from home so got a bit busy around!! :) quite happy to be back!

  15. I just accidentally tried this. Bob Ross calls them "happy accidents". :)

  16. Whew. Got this in late and will post it to Open Link Monday. I'll be back here in the morning to visit and comment.

  17. late, so posted to OLM. back to read later ~


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.