
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Get Listed - September

image credit - fair use: Wikipedia, The Art of War - a bamboo copy of the book

For this month's Get Listed word list prompt, I've chosen words culled from an English language translation of The Art of War, commonly attributed to Sun Tzu (specifically, the Lionel Giles 1910 edition as edited by James Clavell.)

I recently re-read it after 30 years, inspired (if it can be termed thus) by ongoing conflicts in the Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, and Ferguson, MO, but also from the nebulous and interminable 'wars' on drugs, terrorism, and poverty that litter our landscape and devour our common budget and attention, feeding our anxieties and fears while doing little but exacerbate the situations.

The book contains 13 chapters, each devoted to a different aspect of strategy. Anecdotes from historical battles are used to illustrate each lesson. One wonders about life in the war camps 2600 years ago... or today.

Wiki claims that it's required reading in the US CIA, and is on the Recommended Reading list for the Marines. It's been taught in business schools for several decades, as well.

What comes from war? Well, in theory, peace. One can hope.

So the mission this month, should you choose to accept it, is to compose a *new* pen using a least 3 of the following words. The subject matter is yours to choose - war is not the (only) answer.

The list (1 word for, if not from, each chapter):

art, war, attack, fire, capture, neglected, ardor, tactics, energy, alliance, treachery, scheme, tenderness

As a reminder, to participate, post the link to your blog in Mr. Linky below, then please visit later to see what your fellow poets have added, and comment if so moved.


  1. Greetings to all. The prompt will remain open, and I'll visit later in the week should you wish to return and share later. ~ M

  2. You've "inspired" me to reread The Art of War. I read it while I was on Active Duty, in the Marine Corps, but I was a different person then--young and a bit too biased.

    After reading the news today, this prompt seemed just the thing. Also, I think a few of Björn's latest entries have stayed with me...

  3. Have a crazy day lined up, but I'll be back when I can--it's certainly a subject and a list that's nothing if not apropos to too much these days.

  4. This is a fabulous challenge, M. So appropriate to this annus mirabilis. I do hope I have the time to work on a piece, but I shall definitely return to it if that is not this week.

  5. Went "light" instead of "heavy". ;)

  6. I love this captured my muse....hope everyone is having a great week. :-)

  7. nice, M.... i'm waaayy behind but will come back to this later. hope everyone is having a good week! M.

  8. Hi M. I put something up. I am very unsure of it. I cut out the main stanza at the last minute before posting. I don't know--it seemed a bit pontifical--so probably was right to do so. It is an excellent prompt--both the list and your commentary. Your poem also very thought-provoking--thanks. k.

  9. Another little contribution from southeastern Alberta. A bit at a time, I'm easing my way back toward The Garden.
    Thanks for being there, all.
    Luv, K

  10. An interesting prompt! Not sure if I will attempt it, but I'm enjoying reading them. :)

  11. Sorry I am late to post! Thanks for the inspration!!

  12. Late, but present! Happy International Day of Peace.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.