
Thursday, November 27, 2014

I don't know what to think....really.

Oh my dear Toads what a week it has been.  I am sitting in my RV in Campland in San Diego on Mission Bay right now thinking about what I should post for my Friday.  Should it be, someone else probably has that covered.  Should I post a prompt about San Diego?  Nahhhh....not everyone has been there. Then I thought....Herotomost, you are a damn fool (I finally see what you all have seen since I've been here).  You just gave your daughter away on Monday and were a wreck beyond wrecks for the entire day before and for the entire event.  Toads let me tell you, and many of you probably know already, I had no idea how I should be feeling about the auspicious event.  I mean, the 18 months of planning by my daughter was insufferable.  The price tag hard for a man of my meager means to support.  But onward and upward and soon enough it was time for the wedding.  Up until that point it seemed like something happening to someone else.  Then all of the sudden, it was upon me and I had know idea how to feel about it.  I was numb, I was sad, I was happy for her, for me, for her groom David.  I was bitchy, I was emotional and I was all around a bit of a mess.  I was a mess until she said I do, until I gave the speech, until we had father-daughter dance. At that point I was just grateful that she was happy, and that the wedding was everything she had hoped.
My wife and I in our finery

I look like the kid from A Christmas Story in his snow suit but my daughter looked exquisite
So my lovelies, today's prompt is to think about a situation in your own life in which you had no idea how to feel about what was happening.  I think it happens all the time.  Not just weddings, but funerals, death, love, lust, births. Anything.  Like always, form is of no consequence....none whatsoever.  Just tell me your experience the best way you know how.

I want to wish each and everyone of you the Happiest of Thanksgivings.  Eat, drink and be merry, and if this prompt is not in the cards on this holiday weekend then so be it, just have fun whatever you do.


  1. Corey! Many many congratulations! You and your daughter and wife all look beautiful, and you LOOK happy, whether or not you always felt it. Thanks for the pics and prompt. k.

  2. I had to dig in my own mind.. to my father's funeral.. yours seem so much sweeter Corey.. looks like a wonderful occasion.

  3. I must agree with Karin - the whole family looks very happy, your daughter is stunning in her dress and you the proud father. Congratulations.

  4. ooohhhh Corey, congratulations! your beautiful family just got bigger. :)
    love this prompt and promise to respond. xoxo

  5. Congratulations! What a beautiful bride!

  6. Absolutely glowing bride and obviously proud parents. I am sorry I can't participate this weekend - I have a full house and love it. Happy Thanksgivkg.

  7. Yay!! So happy for you all...congrats!

    Thank you for the challenge, too. :)

  8. an hour south of me, Corey. You caught some perfect weather. Congratulations! ~

  9. Loved, loved reading this! You brought the day to life for us.

  10. Congratulations to you and your family on the recent family wedding :-)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.