
Monday, November 10, 2014

Open Link Monday with Magaly

I’ve spent the last few weeks reading, editing, rewriting, rereading, reediting… a short fiction collection. I enjoy working on my words. But every now and then, I sit in bed (that’s where I write) and just stare ahead.

Below is a photo of my latest gazing spot. My mind is busy, I’m sleepy… I figured that I would take it easy, today. Maybe share the poetic seed that sprouted the story I was working on before writing this post

As always, dear Toads, Open Link Monday is for everyone who loves getting lost and found in delicious words. I invite you to link up a poem—new, old, short, long (don’t go crazy with the length! Just kidding)—share any poem you like. And, of course, visit other word lovers.


  1. Good Morning, Magaly. Mrs. Jim just said I need to come to bed now. Better go and fix the bugs tomorrow. This last night's poem that got dated today.

  2. Hi Magaly.. I went slightly crazy on the length alas. It was really written for a writing exercise in the course I'm taking right now.. But I think it might work as prose-poetry... Have a very nice Monday :-)

  3. Good morning, Magaly! Good morning, Toads! I'm on #10 of 30 poems in November... and sistah is gettin' her groove back over here, finally. FINALLY! Thanks for sticking by me through many slogging months. xoxxox M.

  4. *is scandalized by Marian talking about her groove in public*


    Good morning, dear Toads. Love your gazing spot, Magaly.

  5. *bursts in a mixture of giggles and Poe-like mad laughter at Fireblossom being scandalized... hopes Marian continues to ruffle her fiery feathers*

    Happy Monday, everyone!

  6. I enjoy Imaginary garden and its real toads so much! Thank you.

  7. I greet you all at the end of a very busy day at work! Hope your Mondays are happy ones.

  8. I haven't visited anyone yet. My apologies--yesterday was madness and the next three day will be even busier around here. As soon as I'm done with the Department of Veterans Affairs, I shall be on your poetry like glue. Nice glue... the one that smells nice and can be washed out if you don't want it. ♥

  9. Hi you toad-ally awesome people. I am plopping into the pond to take a lap around the pond.....not linking because I am so far behind online and in making comments it is crazy-making. I worked a double shift yesterday - today have been sitting here ALL DAY and still so far behind I am hornswoggled. I keep thinking if I sit here long enough, I'll catch up one day? Meanwhile, apologies all around for not being here more. Sigh.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.