
Thursday, April 2, 2015

The House That Built You

I know they say you can't go home again.
I just had to come back one last time.
Ma'am I know you don't know me from Adam.
But these hand-prints on the front steps are mine . . .

Today, I want you to tell us about the house that built you.  It doesn't have to be an actual house; it can be a school house, a house of worship, a tree-house . . . any place from your younger years that has special meaning to you now.  Use as many words as you like.

Happy Poetry Month!


  1. didn't know where this would take me, MZ. thanks for the prompt ~

  2. When I first thought about it, "my house" was my old mango tree. Then it wasn't...

    Awesome prompt!

  3. So exciting! I'm not sure yet what I'm going to write, but I like the prompt :)

  4. Great idea, Kelli. Few things shape us as much as the place where we grew up. I lived in the same house until I was 18.

  5. I've mined my childhood pretty thoroughly, but here is another take. Thank you, MZ. Mine is responsive to your prompt and Magaly's both.
    Yay April! Fun so far!

  6. I'm with Marian, my old haunts have been pretty well mined. Also with Magaly, I though about writing about my tree house out in the grove. I spent many 'solitude' hours there, sister came too though.
    But I did this, it is okay but not fine with me.
    Thank you, Mom Zee.

  7. Beautiful prompt and what a song! Her voice is so sweet. Thanks for this, MZ.

  8. Today's poem is about the home where I was formed. OK, I'll cop to it: I lived there until I was 30. Thanks to my Mom y Pop who let me live there while I completed graduate school. Today's poem is dedicated to them.

  9. Thank heavens for "as many words as you like". Not sure I could pare down mine, LOL. A prompt that hits paydirt. Thanks, Kelli.

  10. Kelli, our red house was the perfect choice for parents to raise us, and a great opportunity for my dad to unleash his carpentry skills while he still had the energy to do so. Thanks for taking us back.

  11. Thank you, Mama Zen...I took to the woods of my home!! :)

  12. Thanks for sharing, happy new month!

  13. Kerridwen, your blog is difficult to post to. I tried two different ways, and dont think either worked.........but your poem took me back to being eight, watching the moon following the car as I sat in the

  14. I wish I had more happy in the home that built me, but it is what it was. Thanks for the prompt!

  15. Thank you, Mama Zen! I can't wait to read all of the homes-I mean poems~

  16. How interesting! I didn't know, until I began to write, which house had built me.

    Now, having caught up with my poems, I'll be catching up with everyone else's. :)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.