
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Tuesday Platform

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden ...

Greetings to all toads, poets and friends. On Friday, April 1st, we begin our fourth annual April Madness of a prompt-a-day to support those who are attempting to complete 30 poems in 30 days for NaPoWriMo 2016. Even if you are not joining in this year, be sure to check in and participate in whichever of the prompts take your fancy. Our toads are going all out to provide inspiration in this marathon month. The Tuesday Platform, Thursday and Saturday Challenges will remain the same as for other months. All prompts will be posted at 12.00 am CST each day.

Please join us in sharing a poem of your choice today. Enjoy your time spent in the garden.


  1. I won't be able to participate in all of the prompts, but I'm hoping to complete at least 13. It shall be exciting.

    Happy Tuesday! ♥

  2. My goal is 30...we shall see. It will be a month of reading wonderful poetry from incredible poets.

  3. I'm happy or luck to write one poem a month!

  4. Late winter every year, the grey skies slowly strangle my muse.......every April, I take part, hoping it will kick it back into gear.....last year, I remember the calibre of work in the Garden was amazing. Looking forward to this year and hooooooping my brain will get back to work.

  5. Am hoping, I can write, close to 30 poems, for April, if I don't have an acute bout of depression.

  6. I will do my best to make it to many of the prompts for April. :-)

  7. Good lord, I've written like one poem in the past 30 days. But what the hell, here we go! April 1, got my eyes on you :)

  8. A bit late to the game, but I will be around to visit tomorrow - off to visit and comment on the "Play it Again"... just catching up after Easter :)

  9. This is my first year doing this with the Toads and I look forward to doing as many as I have time for. What fun!! I noticed many blogs doing something similar for April except they are writing your normal blog stories each day not poetry necessarily. Now, what to link today?

    I want to thank you for all the great comments, visits and friendly responses to my work since I've been hanging at the pond! You guys rock!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.