
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Tuesday Platform

Is there something
I can send you
from across the sea?

Welcome to the Tuesday Platform, the weekly open stage for sharing poems in the Imaginary Garden. Please link up a poem, old or new, and visit the offerings of our fellow writers. 

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  1. I do love Bob Dylan as a poet, and even more when I've deepdived into his poetry... I have written a few poems on that, but today I link up a Second poem from Saturday's prompt.

  2. Enjoyed Bob's hankering for Spanish leather boots

    much love...

  3. Hi Marian & Guys (that's "folks" for non-Midwesterners, includes Toads and Guests)~~ Dylan is in hiding according to our brief GMA news this morning. I don't know the details, I'll look into it soon. He has been my hero poet and song writer/singer since he went public.
    I'm posting a re-run of Saturdays poem. My link didn't work early so just a few readers. Sorry for those who came, maybe you'll read it again. A short ditty that started with Dylan's wind blowing as did Bjorn's that day.

  4. The new Nobel Laureate, who knew when we were young?

  5. Ha! Marian, you chose the same song I did for the mid-week challenge!!!!

  6. I am sharing another page of my collection as I update my blog. No comments required, just an invitation to read.


  7. My son's name is Dylan :-) Love this Dylan too. (Although I must admit if he's named after a Dylan, it might just as well be Dylan Thomas)..Linking up my response to the weekend challenge, as I was late in completing it!

  8. No worries, Marian. I changed mine but I hope the Dylan bus has not left by Thursday!

  9. Looking forward to reading everyone's poems throughout the day today.

  10. If you want to see an amazing Bob Dylan collection, travel to Tulsa.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.