
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Tuesday Platform

Romare Bearden, Morning of Red Bird, 1975
Welcome to the Tuesday Platform, your unprompted free-range day for sharing poems in the Imaginary Garden. Please link up a poem, old or new, and spend some time this week visiting the offerings of our fellow writers. We look forward to reading your work!

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  1. Good morning Toads! That's me on number 3...a very nice place to be!

  2. Hello friends!

    Marian, I love the picture: it is a poem all of its own. Thanks for hosting. I am coming out of hibernation slowly but it feels good to be writing again.

  3. I am off to collect children from school and do the after school activities. Will be back later tonight to visit and comment!

  4. Hi kids, have been rather sporadic on-line, between work at Poets United, and angst over the political climate. I am looking forward to catching up here today.

  5. Hello dear Toad friends. Thanks to those who've already stopped by and commented on my Holiday poem. I am feeling a bit under the weather this week, and have taken today at home to recoup - so will be reading & commenting as I rest. Happy mid-December to all..Stacie

  6. Always appreciate this Tuesday link up as hard pressed for time especially so with this prompt - but I will find moments to enjoy poems on this platform

  7. Lovely poems, all. This is the time of year for me to envy that softly falling Wordpress snow. :)

  8. My poem MEADOW SONGS is posted, does make any sense to me, maybe you all can make some sense of it

    Luv the prompt, Marian

    Much love...


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.