
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Recycle a Saying (Poetry and Flash Fiction with Magaly)

Write a three-stanza poem, or a very short story (313 words or fewer).

I just spent a lot of time conversing with a friend who speaks, thinks (and seems to look at other people) in altered axioms. If you don’t know him, you might think that he’s just a bit silly, even confused. But if you listen to what he is saying, then you might see what I’ve seen: my friend is hilarious (and completely addicted to proverb deconstruction).

With that in mind, for today’s prompt, I invite you to take a famous proverb, change some of its keywords, then use the altered version to write a new three-stanza poem or a short story (of 313 words or fewer). Please share the original proverb somewhere in your post.

Here are some short proverbs you could use (view the complete list HERE):
- “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
- “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
- “Never look a gift horse in the mouth.”
- “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
- “Two heads are better than one.”

Feel free to use my image and alteration of “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.”
When you are done writing, feed the direct link to your entry to Mr. Linky. Visit other Toads.


  1. Greetings, dear Toads. I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday. Do have a blast writing and sharing your poems and tales, and reading what everyone else is birthing.

  2. This is going to be a lot of fun. Thanks, Magaly.

  3. Loved the prompt Magaly❤️ sharing my poem "Until Eternity." Happy Saturday y'all ❤️

  4. Twisting proverbs... what fun, and I thought I'd combine it with last week's 55 with Orwell.... Yay.

  5. @Kerry, I am hoping for it. We need fun these days.

    @Sanaa, I love your "Sangria sun".

    @Bjorn, your merging of the two prompts (and of the words) is delicious.

  6. Another great idea that could honestly be turned into a regular prompt! Well thought out, my girl.

  7. Hmm... I need to read carefully thy directions... changed it up but didn't do an "altered" vision... I will think this through and hopefully do another .... SORRY

  8. Good morning Toads from drab, dreary Norfolk, where we have had a mixture of rain and snow so far. I'm back from a harrowing couple of weeks off line and looking forward to getting back into the swing of daily writing - I've missed it and I've missed you all.

  9. This is a wonderful prompt, Magaly, but my muse is stubbornly refusing to utter--I love the concept, though.

  10. @Margaret, I like the idea of playing with proverbs more often, especially after reading your list.

    @Kim, We seem to be sharing dreary weather. So, I'm thinking tea and words. Welcome back. You were missed. :-)

    @Hedge, I hope your Muse finds her way and delights us soon. Our words are always better when you are in them.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sorry for still processing my daughter's leave from the country. I'm not really as sad as the picture I paint, though it did pain me to say goodbye.

  13. What a wonderful prompt Magaly! Words are a struggle these days for me, but Margaret actually gave me the quote to create my poem via your instructions.

  14. @Angie, We should never have to apologize for our feelings.

    @Susie, Margaret has been quite the giver today--I fell in total love with the first line of her offered proverbs. :-)

  15. Loved the prompt, Magaly. Loved your response, I always like to read what the prompter wrote. Reading it gives me a little insight as to the prompt's background.

  16. I'm here, its Monday, have a good week every one

    much love...

  17. I was right after Gillena. I am posting something for the image write and this to make us all laugh. It went together well! Thank you, Magaly!

  18. @Jim, I had a lot of fun answering the prompt, so I am very happy you lined it. :-)

    @Gillena, Enjoy your week too!

    @Bekkie, Your response rocked. And the image you shared with it caught me completely by surprise.

  19. Thanks very much for your contributions, everyone!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.