
Friday, April 27, 2018

Day 27 - Let's Join the Children...

5th gr, 10 yrs, Dog

Congratulations for those of us who have successfully written every day in April!  Today is day 27.

I've always adored children's artwork and I recently attended an exhibit which highlighted some pieces that have received awards this year.  They range from elementary school through high school.  I have not posted their names as it is the internet and I did not feel comfortable doing so, but I was allowed to photograph these images.  Please feel free to write more than one poem but this time I am asking for original poems only.  Thank you.

You know the drill - link up below with your original post (not your entire blog) and be neighborly and visit your fellow poets.

7th gr, 13 yrs, Piano
4th gr, 10 yrd, Frog

9th gr, 15 yrs, Fish in Coral

7th gr, 13 yrs, Kingfisher
10 gr, 15 yrs, Bones
4th gr, 9 yrs, Mars
6th gr, 11 yrs, Rabbits


  1. I loved the pictures... some of them are a bit to sweet for my taste but the bones were perfect for my mood today.

  2. Hi Margaret! I agree with Bjorn- bones are definitely what I thought of when I got up for work this morning. I think I might just take up yoga. A great prompt!

  3. Love the prompt. Fashioned a poem from a question in my mind. 'How did they get that there?'

  4. Loved the prompt, Margaret!💜 I'll be around shortly to read and comment. Day 27! Phew!☕

  5. The froggy makes me so happy. :)

  6. I am piggy-backing two prompts today as I play catch up. Phew!

  7. It was so hard to choose but when I started to write to the Poetry School prompt, it all came together and I knew it had to be the kingfisher!

  8. fUN PROMPT mARGARET Happy Day 27 garden people

    much love...

  9. They're all wonderful, but that dog just slays me! :-D

  10. I was very taken with the dog. At one stage I thought I might weave a poem about all the paintings. But all the time I really knew it was the piano that spoke to me; I found the image haunting. When I opened myself to it, a voice not my own said things I've never thought.

  11. All of these are so good! I love the dog.

  12. I may have taken liberties with the prompt but sometimes I just have to jump in and participate a little more than I have been allowing myself to ... hello all and thank you for having me ... blessings bright!

  13. Evening, Toads! Thanks, Margaret, for the Ekphrastic inspiration! Mars all the way, for me, as I give a Fool's testimony! :)

  14. Thanks you everyone! I’m visiting my daughter tonight in Asheville NC and will be back Saturday evening and will visit and comment then!

  15. Margaret, do you mind if i am a day late and a dollar short, as usual? I'd like to write for this today, if that's agreeable. :-)

  16. I will be visiting and commenting Monday - worked on purging and sorting through our storage unit and it took WAY longer than I thought! Thanks for playing everyone as I know it has been a busy month here.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.