Hello fellow toads and amphibians,
Here is Björn hosting the last prompt for the year. I have been having some free time during and have
been reading “The Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess.
been reading “The Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess.
This gave me an idea of a prompt…
As you might know the book is written in an invented slang called Nadsat, which is a slang made of
For examples Alex’s friends (or gang members) are droogs derived from the Russian word друг
English mixed with some anglicized Russian word as well as some cockney rhyming slang.
(drug, “friend”).
The purpose of slang is often a signal of belonging, it tells we you are and were you are from, and
many times a person can switch from slang to “normal” in an instant.
In many ways slang is poetry, which is very evident in rap music.I found it interesting that you could read the book and learn the Nadsat just by the context of the
book. Which bring me to the prompt.
Write a poem in slang, by either using slang you are versed in or create it from another language
you know (or several languages if you want), it you want to you can also include some rhyming slang
if you feel like it, you can even try to write a poem in Nadsat if you want.
if you feel like it, you can even try to write a poem in Nadsat if you want.
Remember that slang is spoken language so you might take a look at slam poetry where slang is
often used extensively.
Make sure that you write it in such a way that it could be understood by the context of the poem.often used extensively.
Here is a link to Nadsat vocabulary and here is one to Cockney rhyming slang.
Have fun