
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Summer's End



  1. This is a sad song but having a possible happy ending. I wrote on a similar vein but it should, not guaranteed, have a happy ending. Depends on various factors relating to relationships.
    I've posted it but won't link with the Toads until some time early this morning. I'm on overtime doing my writing and it may need fixing a little (or a BIG LOT like several of mine).
    Thank you for the prompt Marian, I'm learning more of John Prime. He isn't my generation so I haven't' listened to his music, I do think once I heard him on PBS "Austin City Limits."

  2. Jim, your time would be well spent exploring John Prine's catalog. This song is from his recent album that came out last year, called Tree of Forgiveness. I posted the video without comment because it is so beautiful and compelling that no extra words are needed. But he has had a long career writing songs that I'm sure you would love. John Prine started writing songs while delivering mail for the USPS (reminds me of someone I know). Another classic, much older song in a similar vein as this video is his "Sam Stone."

  3. Hi Marian- My husband loves John Prine. I had to share this video with him- thank you for posting!

  4. I'm sorry, but my first attempt to link my post, is wrong...please try the second.

  5. What a beautiful and sad song!

  6. Reminds you of someone? Who could that be? LOL. Yes, JP was a mailman back in the day. Imo, he is one of the premier songwriters ever. Wonderful choice, Marian.

  7. Acccckk I'm in comment purgatory! If this comment takes... I've tried four times! Geez. Anyway love yinz all and I'll be around later, probably in the morning, to read your lovely entries. Long live John Prine!! xo M.

  8. Hello, thank you for sharing... the video moved me into tears... and I don't know if I captured the mood quite in my poem.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Will need to hit the sack but will be back later to read.

  9. Put me in mind of the summer day I met my current wife, after I had sworn I was not going to fall in love again at age 39. Oh well, I am so glad I broke that promise... :-)

  10. Sorry, kids, this sparked a poem and i thought i had linked it here yesterday morning, till Jim told me i hadnt. A bit late, as i travelled yesterday and am at the farm today. But thank you for the prompt, which sparked a memory.

  11. A most beautiful song, Marian! I am sorry I have been so absent this month. It's a high stress time of mid-year examinations, and I am mentally exhausted but this song has lifted my spirits tremendously. I will be on vacation in June, and will revisit many of the prompts I have missed.

    Sending love...

  12. Marian - thank you for the prompt and I will be posting to this late - will probably see it on Tuesday Platform - I had a lot of family to celebrate the weekend with... so I didn't get to writing any poetry. But I am inspired by this . Thank you!

  13. OK - posting so late so I am also posting this to The Tuesday Platform... I will read everyone's here though.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.