
Monday, December 2, 2019

Words To Live By

Coming up with today's prompt, for this my last post ever with the Toads, was a bittersweet task. I am so proud to have been a part of this group, so happy to have exchanged thoughts and ideas with such a talented bunch of people. There have been so many times that reading the words created by my fellow Toads touched my heart at the right moment, soothed my spirit, or simply made me feel less alone in my poetic pursuits.

I think anyone who has participated here is well aware of the power that words can have at just the right moment. I reflected a little on that, listening to an NPR podcast, This American Life: The Weight of Words, especially in Act One, Go To The Mattress, where a woman reflected on the profound influence the book Little Women, had upon her life. 

So for this last prompt, I want you to to reflect on words that mean something to you. They could be  words from an inspirational quote, words from your favorite form of pop culture, or words said during an important conversation you had. The most important thing is that the words you choose mean something special to you. Write a poem based on those words (and please include a note too, sharing what the actual words that inspired you were).

With that, I'll leave you with some wise words by Kenny Rodgers. Be excellent to each other Toads.


  1. Thank you for this open-ended prompt, Rommy. It is a great way to kick off the final December in the Garden.

  2. I can't believe this is your final prompt, Rommy, and a tricky one too! I love prompts that make me think, and think I did until suddenly the words just slipped into my head! This poem is a draft, a beginning, and I can see so many possibilities and endings, but I wanted to share it before I lost it altogether.

  3. I did flash fiction. I hope that's okay.

  4. Your title wouldn't leave me alone, so... I went ahead and wrote a wee poem. I really love this prompt, and suspect will come back to it in the future.

  5. @Kerry - thank you for the opportunity to be part of this site
    @Kim - I'll be happy to read it either way
    @Fireblossom - Sorry, I did say poetry only. But you can submit it to Poets United's Pantry of Poetry and Prose on Sunday.
    @Magaly - Glad to see you playing along today

  6. I have a quote that has become a life lesson for me. It's amazing how the meaning of something can grow and change over time.

  7. Joining in today all. I can't believe this is your last prompt Rommy. I came across the quote I used probably 30 years ago, and it has stayed with me for most of my life.

  8. @Lori, I find myself feeling a similar way when I re-read well loved books and find how the woman I am at the moment responds to certain things.
    @Fireblossom, 'K
    @Linda, I can't believe it either. I am thankful for the time I've spent here.

  9. I am late to the party, but I find these words very important.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.