
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kerry's Wednesday Challenge

"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”
Stephen King

Let me say from the very beginning that I am not a die-hard fan of Stephen King’s novels but I have to admit that King has a way of creating remarkable characters and placing them under pressure in the most intense way, and his prose is poetic when the need arises. 
In the spirit of the spooky season, I thought we could take our cue from his brand of the macabre and grotesque, and do it with poetic precision. No pumpkins, bats or ghouls... let’s make this more about psychological terrors... though a touch of the super-natural would not be misplaced.

For inspiration, you may like to peruse things Stephen King has said on the Goodreads website. Once you get there, it would be best to refine your search by typing ‘Stephen King, and add the title of a novel’.

Please share the quote which sparked the poem, if applicable, and in the spirit of the challenge,  only link new poems written specifically for this post.  The Open Link on Monday, 31 October will be dedicated to any Halloween poems, old or new.


  1. Two things sort of happened at once: I had the Stephen King idea in mind when I started work on an Adwl Gywydd for Grace's format challenge, and pretty soon this evolved... Not sure it's creepy enough but I'm prepared to be schooled by all who have a real knack of tapping into the dark side. (No names mentioned...)

  2. How ironic... I just finished reading On Writing by Stephen King (which I highly recommend). I'll be back...

  3. My entry is an example of how to write about something one knows nothing at all about!

  4. An interesting challenge today! I used a few pieces from one of my prose sketches and re-worked it into a poem. I am not satisfied with the last stanza and am open to suggestions.

  5. Couldn't pass this up, as I am on a mission to post as many tales from the dark side as possible this month. There were some great quotes on that site, too--though I can hardly read Stephen King anymore since Tommyknockers--he creeps me totally out. My husband is a huge devotee, however. Thanks for a very creative prompt.

  6. Kerry, i love this prompt. I juST am having such a busy week it is hard to find time to write. I will try!

  7. Oh I love this prompt. I will be back After Work and address myself to this topic!

  8. I attempted scary...hope I accomplished it..Thanks Kerry for the prompt :)

  9. The Stephen King quote that all wannabee writers should take to heart.
    "The Road to Hell is paved with adverbs"

  10. i hope my submission qualifies ~ i've never read any Steven King, only seen a couple of his movies.

    mine was a collaboration with Ainsley Allmark. {he's read Steven King.} we certainly enjoyed the experience, so double thanks, Kerry!

    dani {formerly haiku love songs}


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.