
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ella's Edge

Sorry, toads I didn't mean to disappear. I am taking a few courses online.  I will try today to make a come back and pick several prompts and post. I hope to regain my footing in the Imaginary garden. I have missed all of you!  I will be back to play leap frog, I mean catch up! There have been so many amazing prompts, I can't wait to jump back in.

My prompt today is about the movies, no not a particular movie! YOU get to pick...
My father co owned a Texaco station, by day he wore a star and by night he showed them on the silver screen. He was a part time projectionist. My parents actually met at a movie theater. She was the candy girl and ran the concession stand. My first job was selling tickets.  I love movies!  Don't you?!  So many art forms rolled into one. The magic, the escape, being entertained, enlightened, or scared, can be yours. when you get your ADMIT ONE ticket.

You can do this either way.  Go to this Movie Quote site and use a quote in your poem OR you can use the title of a movie in your poem.  The poem does not have to be about the movie, but it can be if you want.  So, grab your popcorn, your favorite candy, a beverage and pick your movie or quote. Frankly toads, I do give a damn!   And now it's time for the show!


  1. Oh, I love this prompt, Ella! I can't wait to write something for it.

  2. I have become quite lost reading many great movie quotes and speeches. So many to choose from...

  3. yay!! i'm going to see The Artist this evening, so maybe I'll wait and see if that inspires the words...

  4. "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" today!

  5. What synchronicity - I wrote this poem just yesterday and yes, it has a famous movie quote...

  6. I love this...I will be back later to write for it!!

  7. What a challenge this was! But it ended up being fun. Thanks!

  8. Margaret-It really was wasn't it.
    I had stuff all picked out and went in a totally different direction!
    Glad you liked it!

    Susie-I am so glad you joined in!

    Heaven-Thanks for enjoying it.
    I now want to write more of them!

    Ruth-Wow, it was synchronicity! So glad you shared this~

    Mary Ann-I so want to watch this movie! Love it~!

    Marian-Oh, I hope it is great and you had an inspiring evening!

    Kerry-Same thing happened to me!
    I became lost in my memories~

    Teresa-Thank you!

    Fireblossom-I loved that you went with a timeless classic feel :D

    Everyone I still hope to catch up tomorrow. My day had a few curve balls in it. I have a prompt at Poets United tomorrow, so hope to add to this post, with a few Toad prompts! Someday I'm going back and do all of them :D
    Happy you liked it!

  9. This was so much fun, I decided to write nonsense! :)

  10. Liked this prompt..a bit of movie madness!

  11. Loved this prompt!
    Fun, fun, fun!
    Movies are just moving poetry anyway.

  12. I'm a little late. Thanks for the inspiration, Ella!

  13. Thanks for this prompt, Ella. What fun!
    Luv, K

  14. As usual, I posted mine a day late, but I had a good time thinking of what to write. How can everyone come up with things SO FAST?!!

  15. i'm late to the party, too, Ms. Mouse, but at least we are here.

  16. I'm also a bit late, took me a bit to narrow down which movie I wanted to use. What a great prompt!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.