
Friday, February 3, 2012

Fireblossom Friday #3---Temptation!

Hello dear Toads and pond visitors! It's time once again for Fireblossom Friday, and this time the topic is temptation and confession. If you're like me, you can resist anything but temptation. So...

Shall we get started?

Oh, don't give me that old innocent routine, like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth...

What tempts you? 

This close to Valentine's Day, I'm especially thinking of romantic temptations, though I'll leave it up to you. What wickedness has tempted you? Are you ready to confess to kindly old Auntie Fireblossom, hmm?

Remember, if it isn't a little bit wrong, or risky, it isn't truly temptation.

Come on, tell me! It can stay between us, and um, everyone else who reads what you write, but hey...

Is this a face you can trust, or what?

And if it turns out badly, I'll be right along with you so you won't be lonely! Just write a poem about temptation and/or confession, link it back to Real Toads, and sign the linky. Easy! I'll be around to see what everyone has written. And honestly... my lips are sealed!


  1. Very cool prompt, and hilarious 'slide show' from the talented emcee MS Fireblossom. I have tried to make temptation, a subject dear to my heart, and confession of a sort, both figure prominently in my submission.

  2. I took the easy way out, but I enjoyed the journey.

  3. A most excellent adventure! How did I wake expecting exactly this sort of challenge ... Just so happens I have, this, uh, scroll, right here in me pocket ...

  4. PS and yeah, FB, you rock, perfect intro. Pic #4 is pure dart from the quiver of your song ... Who would not be prompted to confess?

  5. what a delicious post! i thoroughly enjoyed it!!

    thanks for brightening my day!

  6. Ah, this was a very appropriate prompt for me at the moment! Thanks, Fireblossom.

  7. This one can be dangerous...oh those pre-monk days.

  8. Woe is me! I'm already behind in the movie prompt.. now I have to consider the many temptations I fight off daily!!
    I haven't written a thing all week so I hope the weekend grants me space to think.

  9. very tempting...will check back later on ~

  10. FB, I've tried a dozen times for the past two days to comment on your "Crow Against the Moon" to no avail ... Blogger sux! Maybe you can add the name/URL option ... B

  11. cripes, i write about this kind of thing all the time, but now when prompted to? hmmmmm.

  12. Brendan, I've had other similar complaints. I changed something just now, so I hope that fixes it.

    As soon as I get my poem posted, I'll be by to see you and anyone else I have missed so far. :-)

  13. Mmmmm . . . chocolate cake . . . I'm sorry, dear, did you say something?

  14. Great prompt.. who could resist ... :)

  15. I bailed and handed this assignment to "another". :)

  16. the. best. f**king. prompt. post. EVER!

    absolutely LOVE this post, though i must confess that i wasn't really tempted to participate......

    ok, so i lie.

    thanks for such a fabulous prompt, Shay!

    dani ♥

    ps~ if you will disable the word verification on the comments, then everyone will be able to comment. i had to use a blogger i.d. instead of my open i.d.

  17. I've done so, Dani. I had a spammer, and so put it in for a couple days, but now it is turned off.

    Thanks for the kind words!!!

  18. Margaret--I am so tickled that Sebastian wrote something for my prompt!

  19. Thanks for this... I love your pictures!

  20. I love Fireblossom Fridays.Mine is simple - it is just what came easily and I am tired:)

  21. Great shots, thanks for sharing.
    I enjoyed watching them but I'm not good at poetry.

  22. Okay...I can't leave a link, but I leave this...hmmm...temptation. It's a bit rough, but based on a true story. Keep in mind, writing should be FUN!


    He was there
    Waiting just for me
    No one else you see
    Could give me that special stare

    He was there
    Watching as I walked
    Head cocked as I talked
    No other soul took his dare

    He was there
    Seeing me creep near
    Camera focused on his rear
    His head spun in a glare.

    He was there
    Flashing wings lifted high
    Hawk flew into the sky
    I could only click and swear:~)

  23. Temptations? Great suits, loved "Papa Was A Rolling Stone."


  24. It's wonderful to see you here, Sara! I like your hawk poem. One very early morning, on my bike near the zoo, I came upon a hawk enjoying his breakfast...he had caught a pigeon. He looked at me as if to ask, "You're not going to disturb my meal, are you?" And when he saw that I wasn't, he went back to his enjoyment.

  25. LOL @'ve been by Dani's, haven't you? ;-)

  26. My first visit here for a prompt...and what a doozy...I decided to confess my greatest temptation ever...enjoy!

    Gayle ~

  27. I've been a bad girl...

    Doubled up on this week's prompts, because I was still thinking about the movies when the temptations came along.

  28. Oooh what a great prompt
    I can think of many
    Thanks I think I know ; ) where to go with this prompt

  29. A prompt that was quite hard to resist!

  30. Ok...I am late, but I wrote it...Used Johnny Depp as my inspiration for temptation..that was an easy one ;) Thanks for the photo show Fireblossom. Now I am off read about the other ladies temptations.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.