
Monday, April 23, 2012

Open Link Monday

Calling all toads...

I wish all who pay the garden a visit today, a very happy Monday - hopefully you have all had an excellent start to your week.  Once again, we extend an open invitation to all who would like to share a piece of writing of their choice with us.  It is a privilege to provide this weekly forum to the multi-talented poets of the blogging world.  
Please leave a comment after linking, and visit the blogs of those who post alongside you. Your encouragement and support is greatly appreciated.


  1. greetings toads: road weary; I have returned home: looking forward to time off work: to read your magnificence. I am posting an old piece which I wrote after reading "The Left hand of Darkness" last fall. Viva la

  2. April in England always has a big question mark over this subject!

  3. Thank you for the opportunity to share! This has been on my mind for a while and I hope you find it worthy of your time! *smile*

  4. Thanks Kerry. Have a great week all.

  5. Sunday's challenge had me thinking in form and I made up my first! Although with all the forms that are out there, it probably already exists! lol

    I hope you like it and feel free to try it! Happy Monday smiles!

  6. hello everyone! trying to get back to routine after being away... a challenge! but happy monday and xo.

  7. hi all - i'm linking up with yesterday's poem, loosely connected to earth day... hope you all have a good week!

  8. Oops, forgot to leave my comment. :)

    Kerry, did you start Real Toads? You have pulled together the best group of poets. I'm so impressed by every piece I read. This is high-quality work all in one place. Thanks for letting me sneak in from time to time and play with you.

  9. This is an older poem and written for a picture challenge which asked for a poem in under 10 minutes.

  10. Linking in for a fun day with my toads peeps--which is a poetic phrase I like since frogs, if not toads, do indeed peep--anyway--I've got chores to do before I can enjoy myself, but I'll be back to read and comment this afternoon, and thanks to all here who have been so generous and kind in their comments and visits at my place.

  11. Oh look at all the early birds! I posted my thoughts of this morning.....happy Monday, kids!

  12. Happy Monday to everyone in the garden!

  13. I must say I am reading a feast this morning in the garden of toads! Wowzers! Thanks, kids!

  14. Someone slap me....I need to get my act together. Happy Monday!!!!

  15. Thanks for hosting Open Link Monday. It's a pleasure to be linked alongside such wonderful poets. Thanks.

  16. Happy Monday on ye all...April is my birthday month, so I've posted an introspective little piece called: "Another April."

    Love. (And MORE love!)

  17. I posted one I wrote for a contest on Facebook. One of my girls got a divorce the end of last year the other is getting one..thus a dark wedding poem. :)

  18. I thought I would post soem short fiction to prove...well, that I should probably quit with the short fiction.

  19. great poems this week, o ye toads!

  20. I'll be coming back in the morning to enjoy everyone's poetry. I love my Toads! :)

  21. So many talented people here! Look forward to reading!

  22. Helloooo, Toads. Anybody else got a worn-down pencil lead yet? Whew. Hang in there! Looking forward to doing some great reading today, to inspire me for this last week. Happy Poeming!

  23. I think most things I write are a mixing of what I see on the outside or what I think about that is out there and what feelings it gives me inside. I wrote both of these poems today and they are posted together so I hope that is OK. Write on Toads. ( I do love the name of this blog)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.