
Monday, July 15, 2013

Open Link Monday

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden ...

I have read many recent comments regarding the warm Summer weather our friends in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying. I hope the toads found a lily pond to frolic in over the weekend, and are in fine spirits this Monday. For me, it's back to cold, dark 5.45 am alarms and a brisk walk over frosted paths to work, after my vacation. Something I look forward to, is the chance to relax in the afternoon and read the wonderful poetry shared here on RT, so I shall say no more but to invite all-comers to link up a poem so we can all get to reading.


  1. I'm first! I'm never first, I'm usually last. Yay, me.
    And, after that burst of humility, I'll say I'll be back tomorrow to see what everyone else has done.

  2. Happy Monday everyone! Marian, I wrote another poem inspired by Veda Hille. I feel my hippie days singing again. :)

  3. I am behind on reading everyone's work, but hope to catch up soon. Please keep my oldest daughter, Dawn, in your thoughts and prayers. She will have a PET scan today.

  4. Good Morning Monday! Holding your daughter in the Light, Suzie. Praying you don't slip on the icy paths of work, Kerry. Rushing off ...

  5. yay Susie, hah, let's frolic!
    and sending love your way.
    good morning, everyone! xoxo

  6. How fun! can't wait to see what everyone has done!

  7. Hello Toads....I have revised one of my older pieces and uploaded an audio file of my reading the piece. I welcome all of you to come and here my butcher my own poems!!! Admission is free....

  8. Herewith a poem I wrote on the weekend and linked to Poets United - my thanks to the toads who have already read and commented.

  9. Congrats Kay for being first...I am last this time :)

  10. Thinking of you Susie and sending prayers for Dawn~

    I have missed you all! I love thinking of frost. It is too hot in my pond-95 by Wednesday!

    No Juzta you are not last ;D

  11. First poem in over a month. What a relief!

  12. This water lily is stunning! This would be a perfect addition to Weekend Reflections too!

  13. Just walking int the door (10:45) after being outside all day. Will be out the door early tomorrow as well but I hope to come back here and read.

  14. I posted from library on the 1-10 syllable form... for weekend or open link... informally as my tech is still lost somewhere in the clouds.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.