
Friday, November 15, 2013

Fireblossom Friday: Simply the Best

Hi pond people! Fireblossom here with another Fireblossom Friday. This time, I want to do something a little bit different, that I think everyone will enjoy. I know that, usually, we here at the Pond come up with challenges that inspire NEW writing. This time, however, I want you each to select, from among your own poems, the one that you feel is the very best one, or the one you are most proud of. 

I know that every good poem takes a lot of planning, a lot of living to inform it, and a lot of effort and creativity to bring it into being. Like the sunrise horse and rider in the picture above, we work too hard at our best poems to have them vanish into the archives after only a day or two. So, please saddle up that most special poem of yours, and bring it out for another time around the track. I think this will be cool in two ways: first, we will all get to read some really excellent poems, maybe for the first time, maybe to savor a second time. Secondly, it will be interesting to see what poem each of us chooses. 

Extra suggestion: tell us a little bit about why you chose the poem you did. I'm looking forward to this! 


  1. I don't really have a favourite poem of my own, but I enjoyed writing 'Dead Woman' poems, so I have shared one that not too many people have read before.

    Thanks for the opportunity, Shay.

  2. I love this idea, but honestly I am not sure?! Off to dig deep...

  3. fun, Shay!
    i chose a poem that i wrote here at RT, my personal challenge from Corey. i feel like it was... a MOMENT, being lobbed the mantle of Stephen King and wanting to really bring something for Corey and all of you. i like how this poem turned out, longer and more epic than my usual style.
    this poem is in my new book, too. ahem.
    kiss kiss, ribbit, and happy Friday, friends!

  4. As always, a fun challenge, and more difficult than iot seems, as I have just spent an hour agonizing over which poem to select. ;_) I have grandkids coming this weekend, so may be awhile before I get out on the rounds, but look forward to reading and visiting as soon as I can. Thanks, Shay, for an excellent challenge which should bring out the best in us all.

  5. Yes, happy Friday! Thank you Shay for pushing us to search and discover edges of ourselves!

  6. I also found it hard to chose, so I chose one that changed me. Thank you, Fireblossom, for the challenge.

    During the choosing, I found many I want to include in the book I am pulling together. Is it weak to publish poems that were once featured here?

  7. Funny thing my favorite poem is often the one I just wrote … my "new baby" so to speak. But I had a hard time as I have write about different things … horses, history, moments, fiction, children, etc and I have favorite ones for each topic. I had to finally narrow it down to the topic which is closest to my heart… :) It was fun reviewing all my poetry - I bet I spent two hours. Thanks Shay.

  8. I'm linking up one of the latest poems I wrote...I hope to spread awareness through my writings on imp social issues/challenges that our society faces...this one is a humble attempt!

  9. Some of you have read this one, but may be the one I am most proud of. I was standing in front of a cathedral in North Beach in San Francisco with an umbrella in my hand when I started writing it in my head. It may mean more because of my own memories, but one of my faves for sure. Thanks Shay!!!!

  10. I'm like Margaret; my favorite is usually the one I've just finished!

  11. i hope i didn't just accidentally link in twice...

    and, no Shay, it is NOT a haikū ~ it's a senryū! {smile}

    have a good weekend, everyone!

  12. This is a very cool idea, Shay. Especially as I am still very limited as to time on-line - basically two hours around noon, so I am ridonkulously behind in my visiting. I will get around to everyone for sure, and finish up tomorrow if needed. I will be back home some time on Monday thank heavens. Has been a long two weeks living somewhere else.

  13. Thank you for the opportunity to shine a light on our favorites!

  14. P.S. Does anyone else have this blog post title/song stuck in their head??!! ;)

  15. Hannah--I did when I posted it, and in fact, I had originally been going to use the video, but then decided against it.

    As others have said, my most recent poem is often my favorite....until I post again, and then I forget the earlier poem almost immediately! That was one reason why I wanted to do this.

  16. I chose one where I actually was able to write rhyme that worked. It is from Kerry's challenge about a year a go to write pastiche. Thankfully I was able to write hodgepodge and didn't have to have an entire poem that rhymed. Looking forward to reading what the rest of you have chosen!

  17. Shay, really cool idea. I'm fairly new to the blog world and have often wondered about going back to the catalogs of poets I've met - but like lava new ones keep pouring out, and haven't done so, so this idea is perfect. And like you, I forget I've written something almost immediately - I look back at titles and go - when did I write that?

  18. I sure wish I could participate in this one, Shay, but my brain is going through one of those phases when I have trouble with my own name. If it clears up any time soon, I'll be back, because I'm miles behind in commenting, too.
    Right now I'd have to say my favourite poem is the one I wrote late Tuesday night as soon as Peggy posted her challenge. I let it sit all night, looked at it on Wednesday, decided there weren't any spelling errors, and posted it. I had some posts pre-prepared for photo memes, too, but mostly all I do is sleep.
    Backatcha if and when I can.
    Love, K

  19. Kay, my favourite poem of yours is one you wrote for a The Mag (I think). The picture was of a lighthouse, with yellow flowers in the foreground. I've not forgotten the 'wow' factor I got from that poem.

  20. Shay... :)!

    And...I'm the same way. It would be interesting to pick a date and see...

  21. I pretty much composed "Just A Dream" during a long power walk in 2010 ... while listening to R.E.M. on my iPod. The minute I walked in the front door, I sat down .. the words poured out. I originally posted it in July 2010, reworked a bit and posted again in June 2012.

  22. This is a fun idea Shay. I also do not have a favorite poem of my own, but I will look back and see what I can find. Good chance to go back to some of of early poems that I have forgotten about. I look forward to seeing what others have posted.

  23. I have been to visit several of you, but those I have missed will visit tomorrow. I am not feeling up to snuff and am going to make it an early night. I want to thank all of you for all the marvelous enthusiasm about the post!

  24. Hey Shay, Kerry, all--this was very hard for me--maybe ones I like felt all very recent - I don't know--or also I am a little strung out, right now. At any rate, going through older things I found one that I thought I had liked in part because it is short and a different presentation--unfortunately-and I am all complaints today!--I decided to upgrade the repost since I am a bit better at the technology of posting now--needless to say that took the shine off of it for me as the technical bit of getting up sequentially was harder than anticipated. Agh. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to see others' wonderful poems--yours were both - both of both--terrific. k.

  25. Very late here but decided to post anyway. I could not choose a favorite poem, but enjoyed looking through some old files that I do not even recall writing. Found two poems I wrote about snapping turtles for some reason and rewrote and combined them into something I like even better. Not really the challenge here but this is what came of it for me!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.