
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Words Count With Mama Zen

Greetings, Toads!

The older I get, the easier it is for me to admit that I'm a little weird. Yes, I can pick up a quarter using only my toes. Yes, I'm a water sign that hates the water. And, yes, I do watch Fox News just to piss myself off.  See?  A little weird.

What about you?  Are you a little weird, too?  Do tell . . . in 46 words or less.


  1. We complement each other: I'm an earth sign and have to live by the river.
    Don't know about Fox though. Will Eurosport do for aggrevation ? :-)

    Can your make it 53 next time please?

  2. I love the "fun facts about MZ."

  3. Weird? Me??? I'm as dull and conventional as a box of rocks.

  4. If we aren't weird here, there's just something wrong. I have been having a hard time with words of late-I thought making it only 46 would make it harder, but oddly, it seemed to help, so thanks, MZ--of course your title reminds me of the old Men At Work line--'You sure are a funny kid, Johnny/---but I LIKE you!'

  5. Spun a little bit, combining your prompt here with mine at PU. Come visit.

  6. "A little weird" was exactly what I needed today. Thank you!

  7. "A little bit weird"
    I think not, Mom Zee, you are just you. (I'll not say more, it is all good though.)

  8. ha ha. I expect to learn a lot of things today… :)

  9. Haha - I am almost over qualified to write about this! Thanks for the suggestion MZ!

  10. Hey MZ--I wrote a couple of short ones--posting one, but then I wrote a much better poem, a little longer, but on the same theme--no requirement for anyone to read, but I thought I should just put it on the same post. Thanks, as always. k.

  11. Thank you, Mama Zen!! I find that writing with brevity has become easier since taking part in your challenges so thank you! :)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.