
Monday, September 1, 2014

Open Link Monday with Magaly

I’m celebrating Labor Day by making my ophthalmologist come to work on a federal holiday. See how dedicated and socially conscious my right eyeball and I can be? The hospital visit promises quite a bit of hurrying up and waiting. So I can’t help wishing that I was one of the fortunate writers who can craft on the go. Alas, I’m the kind who gets distracted by music, by people talking, even by the sight of Nature doing her thing outside my window.

At the moment, this is the only view I can gaze upon without getting diverted from my writing purpose:
Perhaps because everything in the display is as familiar to me as the click-clack of my keyboard is inspiring: the piano quilt conjures the image of my husband playing for me, the cover (um… camouflaged hat) I wore on the day I finished The Crucible reminds me of the things a body can do when the mind wants something badly enough… the typewriter and my first prints of G. G. Márquez’s Cien años de soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) and Lord Tennyson’s “Locksley Hall” are eye-candy for my soul; never distracting.

I wonder if I’m the only one who is nearly restricted to writing in familiar places… Oh well, I should stop whining and be extremely happy to have a spot where to write my tales, right?

Please link one of your poems, regardless of theme or format or date of publication. Then visit other word lovers. And if you have a photo of your favorite writing space, I would love to see it.


  1. I love to write at any place I can find.. some of my best poems I have written on intercontinental flights.. but also on subways, while bicycling to work .. I keep devices ready so I can write wherever I am... The disadvantage is the vacant expression I get.. hmm :-)

  2. I mostly write at my desk. It's awkward and exhausting to take the desk with me, especially if there are stairs, and the drivers won't let me bring it on the bus.

    Anyway, I have linked one that I wrote unlinked to any prompt (shock, horror!) and which seems to have pretty much gone unread.

  3. Writing space[s]: such a great idea, Magaly.
    I often wonder where people scribble their art. Won't do it today, as it doesn't fit my melancholy Autumn lines, but soon. Hope others will too.
    Maybe we could have a place to link to these pictures?

  4. @Björn, at home, we call it "the plotting face". Sometimes it shows up at the dinner table--very embarrassing, and a great causer of giggles in small children,

    @Fireblossom, you are such a riot! Now I have images of you pushing your desk throw a bus door and setting it in the middle of the isle, lol. Oh, and there are inkwells, parchment and quills everywhere. ;-D

    Jo-Hanna, I think that's a great idea. A post about writing spaces would be magnificent!

  5. Happy Labor Day to all who will not be laboring in celebration. I am also a 100 Years of Solitude fan, Magaly and my books are a constant source of comfort to me. Thanks for hosting today!

  6. I love your writing space, Magally. I write only in solitude(and it can feel like 100 years) but sometimes outside, sometimes in front of the fire, sometimes in my recliner--the final touches though are on the computer in my private work space--some of us posted our work spaces a few years back--here is the link to mine if you want to see:
    Writing Space
    Good luck at the doctor's today--not my idea of a fun way to spend a holiday, but certainly if it helps fix something, well worth it.

  7. I tend to write in solitude and on my laptop at home ~ On a trip or elsewhere, I tend to scribble the words on paper so I can quickly capture them ~ Joining you today as it our long weekend here in Canada ~

    Happy week to all ~

  8. love that snapshot, Magaly. be well!

    i need to catch up on the weekend's offerings. see you all soon! xo

  9. Hi--I posted from a month ago, an unprompted poem that is timely. Magally--do not strain your eyes--it will be here when reading feels good. Best to you. Happy Labor Day today and have a good week.

  10. You sound like me, almost anything can distract me. I suppose that's why I can enjoy watching TV shows or movies over and over.
    Do I love the sense of humor of Fireblossom! I either write at my kitchen table or at my computer. I've been very neglectful in recent weeks. Perhaps reading you and your readers' comments will nudge me.
    What kind of problem is your eye having? I hope it's something that can be remedied. I hope the rest of Labor Day restful.

  11. I have a writer's nook in my unfinished man-made that gives me a view of the Issaquah foothills and Cascade mountains on a clear day. But I do my best writing curled up under blankets in my bedroom.

    For me, the most important part of my writing space isn't the location, but it has to be free from auditory distractions. Naturally, this puts me frequently at-odds with Wifey when she craves my attention, or with my teenaged kids who lack an inside voice.

    The oddest place I've written is on the commuter bus via my smartphone. Recently, I've tried to stop whatever I'm doing and scribble down ideas as they come in real-time, which sucks if I'm in the shower, which is where most of my ideas visit me because some supreme being enjoys having a good laugh at my experience.

  12. I can gather the bones of a poem almost anywhere, but I usually finish it at my desk where it is quiet and I am surrounded by poets on bookshelves.

  13. "Imaginary Garden with Real Toads" has been included in our Sites To See #391. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  14. i wish i had a man-cave, just saying. :)

  15. Hello from Laguna Beach where we are taking a break from the Tucson heat by walking the shoreline, floating in the sea, and falling asleep to waves' lullabies. Peace!

  16. I'm too undisciplined to have a writing place. Catch as catch can for me.


  17. Love the variety of the answers. It's just like the creative process and the creations it renders: so diverse.

    I'm off to stroll around some of your writing spaces.

    For those who asked, the doctors are not sure what's wrong with my eye. But some of it is healing very slowly. They predict weeks until things are back to normal, but are not sure if my sensitivity to light will ever really go away. I'm crossing my fingers!

  18. Good luck with your eyes. That is terrible. I have a great deal of sensitivity to light too, and have to sometimes make all my computer devices super dim so that they are hard for others to read, but bearable for me.

    I am lucky to be able to write in many different spots, even when people are talking to me! Ha. Good luck. K.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.