
Monday, September 15, 2014

Open Link Monday with Magaly

I had something brilliant to say about Señor Twist, the enormous oak that grows seven floors below my terrace…
I was also going to make some rather profound remarks about this super resilient cousin of his…
But my illustrated copy of The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman, kept on whispering sweet telepathic nothings in my ear. I tried to be strong, but… but… it chanted and chanted: Come feel my bright pages. Have you sniffed my colors yet? I smell sooo good and mysterious.

I tried to resist, but the things that creep out of Gaiman’s imagination have always made me weak in my reader’s knees.

So go ahead, my darling Toads; link one of your poems and visit fellow word lovers. I shall fly by your cyber-gardens, too… right after I spend some quality time with certain flirtatious graphic novel. *tee-hee*


  1. Happy Monday from Sweden - shaken by the voice of intolerance (election day passes not easy..)

  2. First-- the tree is beautiful -- both of them actually and Gaiman can be very compelling and re Bjorn-- the Swedish news is difficult. Agh. K.

  3. Neil Gaiman is one of my favourite authors. I love The Graveyard Book!

  4. @Björn, may the future bring better things. For all of us.

    @ManicDaily, I totally adore that tree. I love that is looks like it's bowing. ;-)

    @Kerry, I might have read The Graveyard Book more time than what it's decent. Neil Gaiman's worlds are just sooo enticing!

  5. Love the tree, Magaly, and of course, there is only one Gaiman. Thanks for hosting today. I have posted an old one, just because I sometimes feel our poetry slips away from us too fast in the online world, and because there is just something about Fall...

  6. Good God Man...Monday already? Time to make the cash...Good Morning everyone.

  7. Good morning all. hope this will be a great week for everyone!

  8. I am linking an oldie in from Fireblossom as per her request--she asked me to pick a poem, and I have been reading through her archives for an hour and a half now, because they are all worth reposting. Still, this one deals with a witchy theme, and ended up being the one I couldn't resist.

  9. Inching my way back to the land of writing...

  10. You rock, girl! I'm definitely gonna see you in Seventh-Heaven. Love you.

  11. well, by now it's Tuesday night already but still i say hello dear Toads!

  12. And who can resist Neil Gaiman .. happy to have found your lovely garden!


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