
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fireblossom Friday: Winter

Hello Toads and pond followers. Fireblossom here with another Fireblossom Friday. Take a look, if you would, at the picture accompanying this post. What does it say to you? What might have taken place here? Whose eyes are we looking through? 

Come on, people, feel the brrr. You can write using winter as a metaphor for emotion or circumstance. You can use winter as a backdrop, or you could write about something significant that happened to you in winter time, or something that never happened but that you can imagine. 

What you can't do is write a straightforward nature poem. I'm looking for human emotion.

Please write a NEW poem, written especially for this challenge. No haiku, because haiku makes me throw up. Then, link up and let us enjoy what you've created! 



  1. I have three old challenges I have yet to comment on - but I will hop on that tonight. Honestly, I'm JUST winding down from all the Holiday busyness.

  2. That fog in the picture make me think about a haiku... but I will spare you all... I will need some time to ponder this challenge.

  3. LOL - "no haiku because haiku makes me throw up". Cackling.

  4. Visiting from the dark side of fiction.
    I'm back.

  5. A very cool image chosen, Shay and a most appropriate topic. I did my best not to write a haiku.

  6. i don't care if you throw up! if i wanna write a haiku, i will! ~only teasing.

    i would love to write something. all i can say is, i'll try.

    hope everyone's year is off to a great start.

  7. Great prompt! I just saw the film Selma today, and that might have influenced my imagination.

  8. A very pretty picture, Shay. I honestly don't mind winter! Hope you are well over your flu. k. ps - I am also late returning comments--

  9. It's hard for me to think wintery thoughts in high summer but I shall enjoy the chilly breezes of your poems.

  10. Kerry, I thought about making a seasonal exception for you. Go ahead and write about summer, if you'd rather.

  11. thank you, Fireblossom ~ i haven't been writing much for awhile so i appreciate the inspiration.

    and the verses are not technically haiku (though all the ones about the seasons probably would qualify as modern haiku.) hope you don't puke...

    have to come back to visit tonight but really looking forward to it.

  12. I'll be around later today to visit everyone!

  13. Er...I didn't do haikus, but close. Oops.

  14. Late. Also cold. Happy Fireblossom Friday!

  15. Often on WordPress I am unable to comment - Sorry My Heart Love Songs (I tried 3 times)

  16. This picture reminds me of a cabin we went to once in Big Bear, California.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.