
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Tuesday Platform

The Playhouse, Durban, South Africa

“Theatres are curious places, magician's trick-boxes where the golden memories of dramatic triumphs linger like nostalgic ghosts, and where the unexplainable, the fantastic, the tragic, the comic and the absurd are routine occurrences on and off the stage.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly (

Greetings to all poets and friends who have made their way to the Imaginary Garden on this Tuesday. The theatre I have feeatured today is one I frequently attended as a child growing up in Durban, South Africa. The magical atmosphere had much to do with my lifelong love of performance, stories and song. Perhaps, it is also the reason why I take great joy in welcoming you to our virtual stage, this platform for your poetry performance. Please join us by linking up a poem of your choice, and stay a while to read the work of the poets whose names are linked here alongside your own.


  1. Hey, Kerry and Toads! Happy Tuesday! Ill be back to read these poems--and those from your last challenge--as the week progresses. Thank you, thank you.

  2. Very sorry.. I happened to do the linkup a little ugly.. hmm

  3. Otherwise my experiment this week is two poems .. the one in English is translated from one I wrote in Swedish.. and personally I'm surprised how it changed my poetic voice.. any other bilingual here that have tried the same thing?

  4. I am bilingual but I have not tried writing first in my second language and then translating it back to English. It could be an interesting exercise.

  5. Hi Everyone--I tried my hand at some tanka--this is what came out--so my apologies--form just seems to elude me--sigh!

  6. We like the theatre, generally we have at least season tickets to one a year plus every year a symphony or two.

    I've been a magician's helper, does that count?

  7. Happy Tuesday everyone! I have so many great poets to catch up with and read their work!

  8. Hey Kerry--aghI I am late to post here and worse late for getting ready for a meeting! I am loathe to rush off mornings! Hope all well. k.

  9. Well, a day late and a dollar short....ughh. Happy week all!!

  10. Recently visited Israel and saw restored outdoor theater of Herod the Great at Caesarea - amazing, as are the poems here...thanks for hosting this forum!

  11. Hey Kerry--I appreciate that this is very late and a second poem and no one will probably see, but you know me, I am just involved with writing and getting things out, and moving on to the next one! Especially if it's a poem, like this, which probably will never be so great no matter how much I work on it! (Based on what it's about.) So please don't feel obliged to visit, though of course, love it when you do.

    Take care, k.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.