
Monday, April 25, 2016

Real Toads ~ Where Do I Come From?

We are poets. There are many reasons we began and continue to write poetry. In this month of poetry many of us have taken on the challenge to write 30 poems in 30 days or to at least reach deep into our creativity and produce more poems than our norm. It has been as exhausting as it has been rewarding. For me it is the only marathon I have or will ever run. When trying to find something to inspire words, poetry on this 25th day, I found the this trailer for a British documentary titled, We Are Poets.

Where I Am From by George Ella Lyon

I am from clothespins,
from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride.
I am from the dirt under the back porch.
(Black glistening,
it tasted like beets.)
I am from the forsythia bush
the Dutch elm
whose long-gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.

(You can read the rest of her poem here.)

George Ella Lyon is Kentucky's 2015-2016 poet laureate.

Today's challenge is to write about ~ Where do I come from? You can write about ancestry, place, environment, time. event...endless possibilities. Just pick a place in the story of you and take us there. Please share your poem on Mr. Linky and visit your fellow poets to read their work.


  1. Oh I wrote a poem on exactly the same topic for the same prompt... I might rework that poem a little and post it.

  2. A few fragments of me in this one...

  3. I wrote mine in 2005, which I linked to. Love this template/prompt.

  4. The start of the final week of this amazing, crazy month of April. It has been a true inspiration, though quite taxing. The end is in sight!

  5. Hey everyone,

    Hope you guys are having an amazing day so far, sharing my poem "Bird of Passage." I tend to flit from one place to another, hence the title.

    Thank you Susie for the wonderful opportunity, this one's for you!

    Lots of love,

  6. Great prompt, looking forward to reading all of your poems.

  7. Cool prompt, Susie--I am late returning comments--hard keeping all together. k.

  8. Thank you, for this inspiration today! :)

  9. Great prompt, Susie, forces me to look back,,

  10. Words cannot describe how beautiful
    that documentary looks & sounds.
    Thank you Susie for the inspiration!
    I hope you don't mind if I also write
    a poem to share based on this prompt.

  11. Loved this prompt, Susie. Thank you!

  12. Thanks for this prompt - apologies for the mis-post! The second link is the working link!

  13. Stace, by all please write for the prompt.

    Thank you everyone! You brought stellar work to the prompt. I so appreciate it!

  14. I enjoyed gathering together the threads of my heritage. And so timely, this prompt, for a Southern Hemisphere Pagan!

  15. I would have liked to have written this one. Would have to think a bit where I wanted to be from. Maybe out from under a Nebraska rock. Or from the top of the post in Antarctica.
    Nice prompt. I like the antics in Trafalgar Square. May have to see the movie.

  16. I finished my response poem this morning -- the process of mining through the places (people, and things) I come from was one of great comfort, but also sadness at what is past. I love the video. Thanks again for the prompt.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.