
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Tuesday Platform

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden ...

Greetings to all friends, followers, poets. If you have poetry to share in a creative environment, then you are in the right place.  I am sharing this incredible short movie (15 minutes). It fills me with joy to see the art of story-telling is flourishing - there is so much to inspired in this one.

Please link up a poem of your choice (old or new, prompted or not) and take some time to read and enjoy the wealth of poetry this site is home to.


  1. Sharing a little sci-fi ditty I wrote the other day... we come in peace...

  2. I actually wrote, yippee! Hello, friends!

  3. It's too late for Woodstock but not for that leopard skin pillbox hat ... I shared this at Poets United on Sunday.

  4. After 2 days off, from writing anything, it feels good, to be back, at it. As Canada, recovers from its unofficial start to Summer, with the Victoria Day long weekend (or more popularly called, "2-4 weekend", for the case of 24 beer (can or bottle, your choice). Have posted an important poem, to me, and the trans-community.

  5. Hello. I love the little movie – and what a sweet coincidence that I'm linking to a moon poem today. :-)

  6. Thanks for the movie. A "Short". I enjoyed writing this evening, had a busy day. Busier tomorrow.

  7. Hello Toads! I'm linking to a poem I wrote today for Poets United about picnics.

    I'm excited to say my poetry and photos are going to be featured on Poets United in the near future! I have never been featured before and am very excited!

    I hope everyone is having a nice week! I'll be around to read.

    Hugs! Bekkie

  8. It's been a while but I'm slowly trying to get back to poetry..

  9. Hello Toads friends. Thank you for all the welcoming messages I've received this last week! I am currently on a family vacation in California, so no new writing this week--but I'm linking up a poem on the moon and music, two subjects that never fail to inspire.

  10. Hi Kerry--will check out movie--thanks. A lot going on my way that is keeping me from posting. k.

  11. Kerridwin, i tried to leave a comment on your blog but cannot sign in by any means available. Apologies. i did so enjoy your poem.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.