
Saturday, October 15, 2016

October in the Chair

[November] was pale and thin lipped. He helped October out of the wooden chair. “I like your stories. Mine are always too dark.”

“I don’t think so,” said October. “It’s just that your nights are longer and you aren’t as warm.”

From“October in the Chair,” in Fragile Things, by Neil Gaiman

I adore April and a love June, but October is my favorite month. I love its colors, its scents, the taste of its treats, the mystery that fall with its autumnal leaves… I’ve imagined October as a woman who delights in skirts and knee-high boots, as a man wearing a hat that accentuates the mischief sparkling his eyes, as a story under a cloak made of reds and oranges and yellows that speak of Nature readying for winter’s cold.

For this Weekend Mini-Challenge, I invite you to turn October into a poem. Is your October a girl? Does he smile like a boy? Is October a feeling that kisses the back of your neck… and reminds you of your dead? What does October look like to you? Show me in poetry.  

Please craft a new poem (preferably short *cough, cough, cough*), and feed Mr. Linky (below) with the direct link to your piece. Then visit other Toads… and see the faces of their Octobers.  

…my October often includes Graveyards and Sunshine…


  1. I hope everyone is having a fantastic Saturday... and an even better October!

  2. Thanks for a interesting challenge

    much love...

  3. This gave me the time to think about a metaphor. Actually I got it from watching antiques roadshow..

  4. Thanks for prompting me with personification!

  5. @Gillena, I'm glad you find it so.

    @Bjorn, Can't wait to see what you've brewed!

    @Sherry, I will be here, waiting to read. :-)

    @Angie, De nada!

  6. Thanks for the prompt :-)

  7. A fun prompt, thank you Magalay.

  8. Hey everyone,

    Hope you guys are having an amazing day so far ❤️ sharing my poem "October sings" hope you all like it. Thank you Magaly for the lovely opportunity, this one's for you ❤️

    Lots of love,

  9. @bodhisattvaintraining, You're welcome. :-)

    @Jim, And your poem added to the yum. I am still grinning at the thought of your horsy Harley!

    @Sanaa, I hope your day is going well, too. And I LOVE your October. ♥

  10. Awwww shucks ❤️ thanks Magaly ❤️

  11. Thank you. Just love Autumn and all its "personality"

  12. Taking time "off" to read & comment after being out at a HOT fall festival - have loved reading the poems so far - wonderful prompt. Really want to write on it too!! Will try to post & link up tomorrow morn!

  13. @Susie, thank you for sharing your poetic yum.

    @Margaret, I've so enjoyed all the different Octobers.

    @Stacie, I hope you had a blast. Must go and stalk your blog for details.

  14. I like each and every month for one reason or another, but October is most definitely my favourite. As it nears I feel much like a child at Christmastime, plus it's the month of my birth, Halloween and Autumn - what's not to love ♥

  15. I did a second one, but I will link it up to Tuesday Platform as well....

  16. Ok - I've linked up a short poem! VERY late, so will link it up on tomorrow's open prompt too. Enjoying this beautiful, inspiring month!

  17. @Melancholy and Menace, What's not to love, indeed!

    @Bjorn, Your second one made me feel for October...

    @Lee, I hope your October is perfect.

    @Stacie, I can still see the autumn-bright forest. :-)

  18. Thanks a bunch for sharing your poetic yum, my dear Toads! ♥


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.