
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Tuesday Platform

Beauty is often found
in the smallest details

Friends, I had the great fortune and privilege to watch this wonderful movie over the weekend with my family. I am so smitten with it, so moved by its beauty and heart and message, it might just be my favorite movie ever in life. Ever in life! (What?!) If you have the chance to see Paterson, dear Garden dwellers, please do not hesitate.

So inspiring! I pledge to open my notebook, to observe, to really see, to write. Quite frankly, after a long period of inability to do just that, I feel very grateful to director Jim Jarmusch for the gift of this film.

Okay, I am done gushing and invite all of you to share your writing with us today here in the Tuesday Platform. We look forward to reading your poems!

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  1. Marian, what a cool trailer. Thanks for the heads up ~

  2. Thank you. That film looks wonderful; I'll look out for it.,

  3. That was good, enjoyed the trailer. Happy Tuesday to all

    much love...

  4. I am so off movies but this is one I definitely want to see.

  5. That film is on my list...tailor made for poets, I think!

  6. I hardly watch movies, but how can I resist such a recommendation. Linking my Flash 55 here also because I was so late joining the party this weekend.

  7. Added a poem I did last week...

  8. Looks like a nice movie, I don't go to them much too expensive at the movies.

    I'm sharing a poem I did today for dVerse~Poets Pub. Hugs!

  9. I did a little self talk in mine. Hope there will be sunshine in everyone's week.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.